« on: August 22, 2007, 09:04:28 am » |
Lupus Statistics, General: _ More people have lupus than cerebral palsy, cystic fibrosis and multiple sclerosis combined. _ Women are nine times more likely to develop lupus than men. _ The average age of the lupus patient is between 15 and 45 years old.
Lupus Statistics, Prevalence: _ About 1,500,000 Americans have a form of lupus. _ More than 16,000 Americans develop lupus each year. _ Systemic lupus erythematosus occurs in 1 out of every 600 Caucasian women, 1 out of every 450 Latin women and 1 out of every 200 African-American women. _ African American women rank first with lupus cases, followed by American Indian women second, Hispanic women third and Caucasian women fourth. _ Lupus is two to three times more common among African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, and Native Americans.
Lupus Statistics, Types of Lupus: _ About 65 percent of systemic lupus erythematosus patients will have skin involvement, including malar rashes and disoid lesions. _ About 10% of cutaneous lupus patients will develop systemic lupus erythematosus. _ About 30% of systemic lupus erythematosus patients will develop lupus nephritis. _ About 30% of systemic lupus erythematosus patients will develop heart and/or lung problems. _ Only 20% of lupus patients test positive for RF (rheumatoid factor).
Lupus Statistics, Comorbid: _ About 50 percent of systemic lupus erythematosus patients will have a neuropsychiatric disorder such as seizures, memory loss, headaches, or depression. _ Women with systemic lupus erythematosus have an increased risk of developing heart disease. _ Between 40 and 60 percent of systemic lupus erythematosus patients have some form of photosensitivity. _ About10% of people with lupus will have symptoms of one or more other connective tissue diseases.
Lupus Statistics, Mortality: _ Only 50% of lupus patients lived 4 years after diagnosis in the 1950s. Currently between 80 and 90 percent of lupus patients survivor 10 years after diagnosis. _ Lupus deaths have increased 61 percent since 1980. _ Lupus deaths among African-American women have increased 70% since 1980. _ About 15 percent of arthritis deaths are from systemic lupus erythematosus. _ Almost 37 percent of systemic lupus erythematosus deaths are among people between 15 and 44. _ Lupus deaths are five times higher for women than men. _ Lupus deaths are three times higher for blacks than for whites.
Lupus Statistics, Misc.: _ No new treatment for lupus has been approved for the US in 40 years. _ About 5 percent of the children born to individuals with lupus will develop the illness. _ 50 percent of lupus patients see at least 3 doctors before being diagnosed.
Again, these lupus fact statistics are not intended to be grim or frightening. Lupus facts provide a better understanding of the magnitude of lupus and the importance of raising awareness of this serious illness.
 I look normal, as I have an "Invisible Illness". You can not catch it, you can not see it. It's called Lupus.My body is attacking itself on the inside. Represents: 1) We are patients helping researchers build a future for the lives of others... 2) Where HOPE is a WORK In Progress 3) Pay It Forward~Giving Back To The Future Lupus/MCTD Patients
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2007, 07:54:58 pm » |
Thanks Kathy!!!! Great information, and I have a few responses to the information you gave us: 1)  2)  that's my story and I'm sticking to it . Love, Kim
Living with NP-SLE/ MCTD and MS. Powered by the Indigenous 7th Sense and lots of meds... Living with an invisible illness sucks. But living with an UN-diagnosed and UN-treated illness REALLY sucks. "Where HOPE is a Work in Progress™"
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2007, 08:25:46 pm » |
Thanks Kathy!!!! Great information, and I have a few responses to the information you gave us: 1)  2)  that's my story and I'm sticking to it . Love, Kim I'll stick to your story too Kim... It' sad but true 
 I look normal, as I have an "Invisible Illness". You can not catch it, you can not see it. It's called Lupus.My body is attacking itself on the inside. Represents: 1) We are patients helping researchers build a future for the lives of others... 2) Where HOPE is a WORK In Progress 3) Pay It Forward~Giving Back To The Future Lupus/MCTD Patients
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2010, 08:45:14 am » |
 I look normal, as I have an "Invisible Illness". You can not catch it, you can not see it. It's called Lupus.My body is attacking itself on the inside. Represents: 1) We are patients helping researchers build a future for the lives of others... 2) Where HOPE is a WORK In Progress 3) Pay It Forward~Giving Back To The Future Lupus/MCTD Patients
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2010, 11:54:26 am » |
Me, Kathy Patterson, Age 51 Lupus Patient ~symptomatic since 16 years old Diagnosed at 44 years old What is Lupus?
Lupus is a chronic, autoimmune disease that can damage any part of the body (skin, joints, and/or organs inside the body). Chronic means that the signs and symptoms tend to last longer than six weeks and often for many years. In lupus, something goes wrong with your immune system, which is the part of the body that fights off viruses, bacteria, and germs ("foreign invaders," like the flu).
Normally our immune system produces proteins called antibodies that protect the body from these invaders. Autoimmune means your immune system cannot tell the difference between these foreign invaders and your body’s healthy tissues ("auto" means "self") and creates autoantibodies that attack and destroy healthy tissue.
These autoantibodies cause inflammation, pain, and damage in various parts of the body.
* Lupus is also a disease of flares (the symptoms worsen and you feel ill) and remissions (the symptoms improve and you feel better). Lupus can range from mild to life-threatening and should always be treated by a doctor. With good medical care, most people with lupus can lead a full life. * Lupus is not contagious, not even through sexual contact. You cannot "catch" lupus from someone or "give" lupus to someone. * Lupus is not like or related to cancer. Cancer is a condition of malignant, abnormal tissues that grow rapidly and spread into surrounding tissues. Lupus is an autoimmune disease, as described above. * Lupus is not like or related to HIV (Human Immune Deficiency Virus) or AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). In HIV or AIDS the immune system is underactive; in lupus, the immune system is overactive. * Our research estimates that at least 1.5 million Americans have lupus. The actual number may be higher; however, there have been no large-scale studies to show the actual number of people in the U.S. living with lupus. * It is believed that 5 million people throughout the world have a form of lupus. * Lupus strikes mostly women of childbearing age (15-44). However, men, children, and teenagers develop lupus, too. * Women of color are 2-3 times more likely to develop lupus. * People of all races and ethnic groups can develop lupus. * More than 16,000 new cases of lupus are reported annually across the country. From
 I look normal, as I have an "Invisible Illness". You can not catch it, you can not see it. It's called Lupus.My body is attacking itself on the inside. Represents: 1) We are patients helping researchers build a future for the lives of others... 2) Where HOPE is a WORK In Progress 3) Pay It Forward~Giving Back To The Future Lupus/MCTD Patients