Dangers of energy efficient bulbs
We're constantly being told that compact fluorescent light blubs (CFL) are better for the environment than older incandescent globes, but what you may not know is that the bulbs may actually be a lot more dangerous for your health.
Incandescent globes will be phased out in November 2009 because they burn on average 80 per cent more energy than the newer bulbs.
Critics claim the CFL light bulbs give off dangerous amounts of radiation and can cause skin disorders and medical conditions – a claim that is strongly denied by both industry and medical officials.
"You would have to suffer from a skin condition such as Lupus and sit under a light bulb for an hour to develop any kind of adverse affect," Dr Stephen Schmack from the College of Dermatology said.
Another health concern that has some people worried is the concentration of mercury contained in the CFL light bulbs.
CFL's contain small amounts of mercury as vapour inside the glass tubing and average about 4.0 mg per bulb.
When the bulbs are broken or smashed open, a white vapour mist can come out and potentially cause dangerous levels of mercury in the surrounding environment.
Crime writer Clinton Smith is convinced the UV radiation from the new 'green' globes helped contribute to his head cancer.
"The dangers are not only great, they're going to be unavoidable," Clinton told A Current Affair.
"I'm going to put an incandescent globe on my desk - I don't want to be irradiated all my working life."
Clinton is even going as far as not purchasing the CFL light bulbs and stockpiling the older incandescent bulbs.
"I'm going to have a lot of them and my shed will be filled," Clinton said.
"I'm very concerned about skin cancer with the CFL bulbs and I know that the incandescent globe won't give me it."
Although serious health problems resulting from one broken light bulb is rare, the federal government recommends that you wear gloves, protective clothing and sweep up the broken globes to prevent toxic dust from spreading through the home.
For more information please visit the Department of the Environment website
If you are worried about mercury poisoning, here's what to look for.
There can be a number of problems associated with mercury poisoning including cramping, weak breathing, headaches, swelling and redness of the skin.
Common neurological symptoms in children include decreased eye contact, poor concentration and loss of speech.
If you start to experience any of these symptoms, visit your doctor or call the Poison Hotline at 13 11 26 (Australia)
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