« on: October 08, 2009, 11:32:04 pm » |
BELLEVILLE -- The Belleville Area Lupus Support Group will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday, September 18th in the auditorium at Memorial Hospital, 4500 Memorial Drive, Belleville. The program will be "A Beginner's Guide to Disability Planning" by Gregory Oliphant, including current disability law and ways to plan. For information, call 397-6008.
GALESBURG - Lupus Support Group meets at 1 p.m. the third Friday of each month at Perkins Restaurant. For more information, call 343-3354 or (309) 734-3601.
JOLIET -- Lupus Foundation of American, IL Chapter, Joliet Support Group: 6:15 to 8 p.m. fourth Wednesdays, Provena Physical Rehab and Sports Injury Center, 2400 Glenwood Ave., Joliet. Provides education and a forum for support and sharing for those with lupus and their family members and/or friends. Call (815) 741-3852 or (815) 723-4682.
WHEATON -- Lupus Support Group: 10 a.m. to noon Thursday, August 9th at lower level of Danada Convenient Care and Medical Offices, 7 Blanchard Circle, Wheaton, (630) 293-1727.