Staten Island
* Staten Island Support Group
Meets one hour later starting May 7th, 2009
Monthly support groups will take place on Wednesdays or Thursdays through the year (click here for exact dates), from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., in the main conference room of the Staten Island University Hospital. All with lupus are welcome. If you are planning to attend or are interested in joining, please email or call 212-685-4118.
Note: The next meeting on Wednesday, September 10th will take place in the Dietary Conference Room.
* The S.L.E. Lupus Foundation office
Family and individual counseling (short-term), by appointment only. 212-685-4118.
* Manhattan Support Group
The general lupus support group meets the third Wednesday of every month from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Foundation’s headquarters in Manhattan (330 Seventh Avenue, Suite 1701 at 29th Street). If you are interested in joining, please email or call 212-685-4118.
* New Family Planning Group
The first meeting of the support group to discuss family planning and lupus will meet Tuesday, September 23rd from 6:15 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. If you are interested in joining, please email or call 212-685-4118.
* New for Children and Adolescents with Lupus
The Foundation is considering creating a new monthly support group for men with lupus. If you are interested in joining, please email or call 212-685-4118.
* New for Partners of People with Lupus
The Foundation is considering creating a new monthly support group for partners (spouses, boyfriends, girlfriends, domestic partners, fiancés, fiancée, etc.) of people with lupus. If you are interested in joining, please email or call 212-685-4118.
* New for Men with Lupus
The Foundation is considering creating a new monthly support group for men with lupus. If you are interested in joining, please email or call 212-685-4118.
* NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases
301 East 17th Street, Room 523, NY, NY 10003
Please contact Elvira Carrera at 212.598.6614 for dates and times of support groups.
Northern Manhattan
Lupus Cooperative of New York
Northern Manhattan Division
East Harlem Council of Human Services, Inc.
Boriken Neighborhood Health Center
2253 Third Avenue, 4th floor. New York, NY 10035
Contact Wynnie Lamour, Project Coordinator, 212-289-9811, Day
4th Tuesday of the month
11 a.m.–1 p.m.
3rd Thursday of the month
5:30 p.m.–7:00 p.m.
Also in Northern Manhattan as of March 13th, 2008
Harlem Hospital
Ronald H. Brown Building
West 137th street (between Lenox and Fifth Avenue)
3rd floor, Room 3071
Contact Wynnie Lamour, Project Coordinator, 212-289-9811, Day
2nd Thursday of the month
12:30 p.m.–1 p.m.
Lupus Cooperative of New York
Bronx Division
1070 Southern Boulevard, 1st Floor, Bronx, NY 10459
Contact Yasmin Santiago, Lupus Outreach Counselor, 718-620-2555, Day
1st Wednesday of the month
11 a.m.–1 p.m.
4th Thursday of every month
5:30 p.m.–7:00 p.m.
Bronx Lebanon Hospital – Support Group
1650 Grand Concourse, 2nd fl.
Bronx, NY 10465
2nd Tuesday of every month
1:30 p.m.–2:30 p.m.
Montefiore Hospital – Support Group
The Children’s Hospital at Montefiore
3415 Bainbridge Avenue
Bronx, NY 10467
Meet in the Family Learning Place
3rd Tuesday of every month
1 p.m.–2 p.m.
* Lupus Cooperative of New York
Brooklyn Division
Long Island University Wellness and Recreation Center
161 Ashland Place (Lower Level)
Conference room
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Contact Tayumika Zurita, Lupus Outreach Counselor, 718-928-2002, Day
2nd Wednesday of every month
12 p.m.
3rd Tuesday of every month
7 p.m.
* LCNY Brooklyn – New York Methodist Brooklyn Spine and Arthritis Center
263 Seventh Avenue (at 6th St)
2nd Floor Conference room
Park Slope, Brooklyn
Contact Tayumika Zurita, Lupus Outreach Counselor, 718-928-2002, Day
Second Tuesday of every month
1:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m.
* LCNY Brooklyn – Interfaith Medical Center Support Group
Interfaith Medical Center
Bishop Orris G. Walker, Jr. Health Care Center
528 Prospect Place
Brooklyn, NY 11238
Contact Tayumika Zurita, Lupus Outreach Counselor, 718-928-2002, Day – Specially for Students
3rd Wednesday of every other month
12 p.m.
* Brooklyn Support Group
Long Island College Hospital
Hicks Street and Atlantic Avenue, 1st Floor, Conference Room F, Brooklyn, NY.
Meets the 2nd Saturday of each month, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Call Karen Andreozzi at 718.488.0550 for information and to confirm.
* SUNY Downstate Support Group
450 Clarkson Avenue, Suite C, Brooklyn, NY.
Meets on Monday 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. For details, contact Sema Terrabello, RPA-C, 718.270.8216, or Karen Orloff, 718.270.1662.
* Pediatric Lupus Support Group
at SUNY Downstate Medical Center
450 Clarkson Avenue, Room B4-462 (Pediatric Library, 4th floor), Brooklyn, NY.
This support group for patients 11 to 21 years old (adults welcome as well) meets the 4th Wednesday of every month, from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Call Corinna Bowser at 917-760-1078 or Jack Moallem at 718-270-4178.
* Long Island/Queens Lupus Foundation
Ongoing support group
For information, call 516.783.3370 or Paula Goldstein at 516.742.5687
There are no fees for these services.
Before attending any meetings please call to confirm dates and times.
Telephone Counseling and Specialized Programs
* LupusLine, offered by Hospital for Special Surgery and made possible through funding by Rheuminations, Inc., reaches out to the communities it seeks to serve in cooperation with the S.L.E. Lupus Foundation. Telephone peer counseling staffed by trained volunteers who have lupus. Call 212.606.1952 or 866.375.1427.
* Charla de Lupus (Lupus Chat) is a peer health education program staffed by trained volunteers living with lupus with a particular emphasis on Spanish-speaking communities. The program is available on-site at several New York City area hospitals, as well as by phone. In addition, the program offers Teen and Parent Lupus Chat Groups at hospital sites in NYC. The program is offered by Hospital for Special Surgery, and made possible through funding by Rheuminations, Inc. Contact the Hospital for Special Surgery at 212.606.1958 or 866.812.4494.
* LANtern (Lupus Asian Network) Program, offered by Hospital for Special Surgery and made possible through funding by Rheuminations, Inc., reaches out to the communities it seeks to serve in cooperation with the S.L.E. Lupus Foundation, Charles B. Wang Community Health Center, Hospital for Joint Diseases, Chinese Community Partnership for Health at New York Downtown Hospital, and the Center for the Study of Asian American Health at NYU School of Medicine. This program offers support, education, and outreach to the Chinese community. Trained billingual (Cantonese and Mandarin-speaking) peer counselors, who also have lupus, are available by telephone. Contact the Hospital for Special Surgery at 212.774.2508 or 866.505.2253.
* S.L.E. Workshop at Hospital for Special Surgery, meets the 4th Thursday of the month, 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. To register, call the Coordinator at 212.774.7654. Lectures by health professionals followed by open discussion.