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Author Topic: the last person to post here wins  (Read 692240 times)
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« Reply #270 on: October 01, 2011, 03:04:50 am »

repost from elsewhere, rule number one, goblins cannot be trusted

"...ah, my infamy goes before me I see..." replied the goblin again, continuing "...where I thank you for your concern towards my welfare here, but I can reassure you now, that no harm will come to my person on your forum, even if you rightly point out that there are marauding mommies on it, for I would have you know that I am nimble by comparison, where my pen has two edges, one of which is very friendly, yet I'm very faithful to any admin of promise, just one has to feed me, think you can keep me then, hope so...", but the goblin's benchmark was high where the goblin was anonymous too, so he didn't collect anything, but he never posted by himself alone, saying "...a livewriter's username is the way you find him, find me if wish to, if not, we'll probably meet elsewhere as many admins do friendly visits to get theirs forum more known on forumland...", and with that the goblin thanked admin for her time and offered a picture as a token of his sincerity and understanding towards admin's mindset and her inner yearnings as a modern day housewife he imagined

138 270 20316
« Last Edit: October 01, 2011, 03:06:59 am by fleamailman » Logged

"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #271 on: October 02, 2011, 11:13:21 am »

repost from elsewhere, the goblin not giving up on the poster who was trying to post pictures still

Groovy Goblin - I might try and make sense of the 'picture' insertion instructions . . . but this could be difficult.

"...perhaps we could try some preliminary exercises here to get you ready so to speak, ok first try this then, then we can advance to step two after that but let me know if I am going too fast for you now as I have your welfare at heart here..." replied the goblin hoping this link would help now

click here for your first exercise

138 271 20404
« Last Edit: October 02, 2011, 11:16:09 am by fleamailman » Logged

"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #272 on: October 04, 2011, 10:47:11 am »

repost from elsewhere,

"...it's not too difficult to understand here goblin..." went the witchdoctor now, while the goblin listened in wondering what the fuss was about, so the witchdoctor continued "...well, suppose the foxes first make umpteen credit-dubious property loans to the sheep at a profit, where the foxes then bundle those loans together as a marketable seemingly profitable product called a bond, which as bonds they then sell them to the wallstreet wolves at a profit, which, once those wolves realize the nature of the ruse, join in on the scam by actually giving those same bonds triple a credit worthiness, letting the foxes resell them again at a profit as add'on bonds or ninja bonds, something now guaranteed by AIG insurance cow here. knowing full well that the cow couldn't possibly both pay up upon default and remain solvant as well, knowing too, who the cow would have to turn to, goblin, guess who then...", more asking to see if the following than really expecting an answer here, surprisingly enough the goblin replied correctly, saying "...the king of the animals, our duly elected president lionking...", "...quite right goblin, the lionking's prowess is at stake here, moreover the kingdom can't be allowed to default now, he must save the cow and his kingdom too, so he goes back to the creditor of best and last resort, yes none other than the tax paying sheep again, and has them foot the bill, with the foxes, wolves, and the cow too, all cheering him on for his timely expedience in saving their skins here, where the sheep I imagine are only too happy to have the animal kingdom returned to its happily ever after status once more..."

138 272 20494
« Last Edit: October 05, 2011, 03:39:13 am by fleamailman » Logged

"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #273 on: October 06, 2011, 11:42:31 am »

repost from elsewhere

...when you are 'discovered' and published. You may plan on selling 1.5 million copies of your HARDCOVER work. (Paperback trade copies will provide you with gambling money in Vegas.) What do you do differently from today? (No fair with the 'I wouldn't change' line...everybody would do something different!) I'll be the boring mid-lifer: I'm paying off the house and sinking money into the kids' college. Maybe a nice car after that.... How about you?

"...knowing me, I suspect that I'd walk away from it all as some final test of myself, and then, starting back with nothing once more, I'd open up the slot here and simply write "for the moneygod is known for his bonds now, where the more you own of him, the more he will hold you tightly by those bonds of it"..." replied the goblin, adding "...and o how I would hate that this, that which I give freely of myself now, would become owned, regulated, published, dated, etc., and for what I wonder, for mere trinkets and more back-patting, while all along didn't I always have the one thing I actually needed, just someone like you to read my posts here, that spur of audience that is gained by it, and how do I prove this to myself, and to you too, well, am I not anonymous in whatever I post on forumland...",

138 273 20636
« Last Edit: October 07, 2011, 02:24:24 am by fleamailman » Logged

"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #274 on: October 09, 2011, 02:55:00 am »

repost from elsewhere

What is your opinion? New Mexico State Legislator is submitting a bill that wants people who file for un-employment to not only take a drug test but pay for the test themselves, they say if a person is taking drugs they shouldn't get un-employment and pay for their own drugs !

"...nah, it's just a way to draw attention to themselves, they're so jealous of sarah palin who gets more attention than them with her mastery of zen approach here..." mentioned the goblin, wondering which state would be the first to come up with, and then back too, the "shoot them on sight unemployment initiative" that will most probably come soon, saying "...things are just going to get worse now, the deception has yet to clear itself through the system, subprimes were only the beginning..."

this might interest you, click me

139 274 20737
« Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 02:56:36 am by fleamailman » Logged

"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #275 on: October 12, 2011, 06:56:55 am »

repost from elsewhere

"...your majesty.." replied the goblin suspecting that he could only really speak when spoken to here, also, that he shouldn't look king george in the eye either, continuing "...if I may be permitted then, in that well, we all understand the need to root out subversion amongst your subjects, and your colonies merit no exception here, but honesty this new proposal now, allowing your agents to make their searches with self authorized warrants without prior approval nor deliberation, that then forces those who have been searched never to disclose that fact to anyone, be that legal representatives, family, or whomsoever then, on pain of a prison term of up to five years too..." the goblin paused for breath, then continued "...moreover, that contained within that same proposal now, the crown being allowed to hold someone indefinitely here, without redress to any legal representation whatsoever, nor even told the reason why they're being detained then, your majesty, quite simply your subjects would rise up against you if you ever enacted this, where I'm sure you'd rightly lose hold of those new world colonies...", the king asked his prime minister if this was so, that this proposal existed, quite perturbed that the goblin knew this much about affairs of state, and then in a slight german accent asked "...it seems you are well versed in our affairs goblin, so now, how would you go about it then...", "...um well..." to which the goblin picked off a bit of wax from the candle to buy time to put clearly then, and then explained "...no, your majesty I confess that it cannot be done in this day and age like that, but if it's any consolation to you, I've seen the future now, where there will be another george who will catch your colonists off-guard, by simply compiling in a three hundred page bill with exactly these same clauses, calling it the patriot act whereupon submitting it of their parliament giving their legislators a mere fifteen minutes to read it, knowing full well that no could of course, whereupon they will just pass it into law, whence a history of tyrannical rule will have gone full circle so to speak here, and their rebellion would have been entirely pointless...", which was when the goblin woke up from this dream here, while outside it was still dark, and yet, looking out across the rooftops of the great city now, somehow the goblin just wondered if he alone was the only one awake amongst the hundreds who slept on still

139 275 20910

« Last Edit: October 12, 2011, 06:57:40 am by fleamailman » Logged

"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #276 on: October 17, 2011, 04:02:50 am »

repost from elsewhere, "...how honest are you on the internet..." thread

the goblin too, had started out in his childhood as a child then, though he then discovered this forumland here, and ever since he's been a child of this internet age instead, saying "...and besides, who is what then, where none of this can be proved anyway, and where the choice is always between some known wendy or an anonymous peter pan isn't it, so must I just grow old now in all these unprovable details, a death by self-description here...", and yet the goblin appreciated the topic and did not write this to deter others by his comments now, merely it was more philosophical for him, simply his creation of a persona here, was something that his dailylife might even envy him for, its freedom of it then

139 276 21302
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 04:09:16 am by fleamailman » Logged

"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #277 on: October 19, 2011, 09:53:15 am »

repost from elsewhere, the goblin shadow writing a reply to someone's thread that asking for criticism

"...well what I found hard there was, that there would be something in inverted commas that then it turned out not be actual speech, because instead it was just someone's thoughts, so the speech and thoughts came across jumbled together..." mentioned the goblin who used inverted commas only for thinking, or for quotes, concepts, etc., whereas for speech he used something else, saying "...don't know, what do I use for speech then...", the narrator looked back at the goblin looking dumbfounded, thinking "ellipsises, that stupid dots system you cretin goblin piece of..., forget it, btw could I become someone else's narrator here please, well at least someone slightly more normal now", "...anyway, where was I then, oh yes, actually I can't remember what those grammar-naz*s call it now, you know something written between "... ...", there's a name of it somewhere...", at which point the narrator is trying to disown the goblin once more, thinking "cretin, I just don't understand how these writer's forums put up with him even, can't they hold some sort of sanity test or something, place a minimum mental requirement benchmark on registering, oh and another thing I'm not some dumb harlequin narrator here, besides, why is it always him that gets to talk anyway, you bet I could say something better than that goblin there", at which point the goblin was just wondering what picture, adding "...yes, my way of writing does seem bit odd but it has its method...", where the narrator simply thought "ah no, I've never met him in my life, honest"

139 277 21439
« Last Edit: October 20, 2011, 04:32:06 am by fleamailman » Logged

"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #278 on: October 20, 2011, 04:42:07 am »

repost from elsewhere, from a woman's interest "last post" thread, the mommies again

and with that the goblin felt he should join in and test himself too, saying "...this gives me an understanding into those feminine minds of yours perhaps, besides I fear I'm turning sane again, always a bad sign on this internet now, far too boring being sane that is..."


Suspect that you may be going through menopause? Take this quiz to assess your symptoms of internet menopause.

   1. Are you over 35?

   2. Do you suffer from disruptive hot flashes (intense and sudden waves of heat accompanied by excessive sweating)?
         Yes, some of the posts do that to me.

   3. Are you experiencing uncharacteristic mood changes (e.g. sadness, irritability, etc.)?
         Yes, especially on writer's forums.

   4. Do your breasts feel much more sensitive or tender than usual?
         No, not that I have noticed

   5. Do you suffer from that area dryness or painful intercourse?
         No, I haven't come across that problem in years

   6. Has your desire for, or enjoyment of, sex decreased?
         Yes, my wisdom spoils it with conjectures upon the consequences

   7. Has your complexion gone through noticeable changes (i.e. drier than usual, unwanted facial hair, acne, etc.)?
         No, my face changes with each the forum I am on

   8. Do you feel more tired than usual or have difficulty sleeping?
         Yes, my postalotism keeps me awake at night

   9. Have your periods become irregular (i.e. skipped periods, heavier flow, etc.)?
         No, I haven't had periods since I was at school where I skipped
         them often

  10. Do you have difficulty concentrating or remembering things?
         No, I have difficulty concentrating because I remember things.

test result 50%, comment:

What does your score mean?

"You appear to exhibit some symptoms of menopause. It is important to note however, that many of the symptoms experienced in the perimenopausal and menopausal stage can be signs of a more serious problem, so it’s extremely important to inform yourself and talk to your doctor. Although menopause itself cannot be avoided, there are ways to make the transition much more smooth and comfortable. There are many resources available that can help you better understand and deal with the events that usher you into this stage of your life."

"...goodie, I'll tell the boss then, getting a day off work perhaps to have a chat with the doctor now..." mentioned the goblin in high hopes, adding "...besides, nothing wrong with me, I am just perfectly goblin..."

139 278 21512

« Last Edit: October 20, 2011, 04:48:06 am by fleamailman » Logged

"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #279 on: October 24, 2011, 01:32:20 pm »

repost from elsewhere, the goblin got banned rather often

"...ah now, same old line here..." ventured the goblin on seeing where this is going here, repeating it now, saying "..one does not talk about ex girlfriends, nor ex forums either, one simply chalks it down to inexperience and misadventure, for why blame that which can't be otherwise, when it's all in the past anyway...", where there seems more forums across forumland than stars in the night's sky

140 279 21764
« Last Edit: October 24, 2011, 01:33:32 pm by fleamailman » Logged

"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #280 on: October 26, 2011, 08:01:58 am »

 CandleSmilie Hello Goblin

I look normal, as I have an "Invisible Illness". You can not catch it, you can not see it. It's called Lupus.My body is attacking itself on the inside.
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« Reply #281 on: October 26, 2011, 11:09:18 am »

Hello Goblin

("...always enjoy your posts then, and I like this forum very much..." replied the goblin appreciating his readership here, adding "...I understand the impermenance of everything around me too, but that what makes it special for we only ever have this now between us, and yet we keep on at it...")

repost from elsewhere, writer's forum, the goblin's opinion not going down too well, the ban came later

I see your post as expressing your own unique view, flea. Helpful is questionable bearing in mind what the purpose of this site is. Primarily it's for workshop and critique and if those elements weren't here then no site would exist for you to post on.

"...no, I think it's getting people to actually write, period whether that be fiction/nonfiction/poems/prose/posts or whatever, is the primal motivation on this forum, where nowhere is it mentioned that the sole purpose of this forum is solely to would be writers to write novels here, especially where the fragmentation of writing techniques due to this internet is upon us..." replied the goblin, seeing clearly now that if he followed that old model then he, like most of his writing contemporaries here, would soon be facing the law of diminishing returns again, especially when more and more people were replacing their reading time with online time, so if anything, rather than trying to gag the goblin for stating some rather obvious fact, if you could come up with counter argument against the one that books are fast being sidelined here, someone reading this, would benefit, and then the goblin thought he had better clear up the other inept poorly hidden barb of "own unique view", which tried to infer that those views that were plural, merely because the were plural then, somehow made them correct, saying "...any view is one's opinion, where all views should be uniquely one's own reached through reason, where no opinion regardless of however many people believed it to be so, actually made it the truth, so I should be thanking you for your compliment then, btw as someone entrusted with the buttons, you hold it within your power to warn me again, to continue to delete my posts and lock my threads too, even to ban me outright now, where all I have is a mind that thinks for itself, a voice that speaks outs, and a pen that writes honestly, I simply accept my fate form you each time, because you'll read this again I promise..."

140 281 21847
« Last Edit: October 26, 2011, 11:27:29 am by fleamailman » Logged

"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #282 on: October 26, 2011, 12:03:51 pm »

Bless your heart.. you are ALWAYS welcomed here...
You are such a mystery to so many..
Sadly most folks ran off and are on Facebook with personal pages and that is where my readers have been at for about 2 years now  sobbing

I look normal, as I have an "Invisible Illness". You can not catch it, you can not see it. It's called Lupus.My body is attacking itself on the inside.
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« Reply #283 on: October 26, 2011, 01:25:36 pm »

("...it doesn't matter, facebook is one type of readership where forumland is another, simply I prefer the anonymity of this forumland here..." mentioned the goblin who had no face nor age, adding "...I guess a livewriter simply builds his readership around him regardless of where he is, and besides, I need this forum as a place to air/edit/backup my posts...", in fact, the goblin went slowly here, perhaps one post every few days but always in some continuous dependable flow, for pace was just one of those things one learns through the practice, and yes, being anonymous this became a practice so to speak)

repost from elsewhere, part of the learning curve

and then the goblin turned the focus on himself a moment, and jokingly said "...me, I am suffering my internetself now, knowing that I am caring about the wrong sites for the wrong reasons, in that I like posting my better stuff to friendly forums like here, yes, but I'm also posting to on near hostile ones, my biggest stress comes from a writer's forum where my point is proved and my readership gained, and yet, it doesn't endear me to them for all their reading it, where if I were to retreat from there now, my work would be undone with that barb of "see, he ran out of posts so he left", so I feel a victim of my success and shunned by it too, the readership prize going to usurper there, me as king troll then, hardy what I had in mind when I started out..."

140 283 21853
« Last Edit: October 26, 2011, 01:26:55 pm by fleamailman » Logged

"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #284 on: October 27, 2011, 07:09:41 am »

Good morning...
I hope you are doing well  rose
I enjoy your posts.. This past year I've been busy with my divorce. It has come to an official end now.
Hopefully I can move on and be more active with "free time"....
« Last Edit: October 27, 2011, 07:10:15 am by Adminஐﻬ » Logged

I look normal, as I have an "Invisible Illness". You can not catch it, you can not see it. It's called Lupus.My body is attacking itself on the inside.
www.LupusMCTD.com Represents:
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« Reply #285 on: October 27, 2011, 12:39:36 pm »

("...well, it just goes back to our old exchange then, I take of your courage while offering you a few posts in return..." replied the goblin adding "...no, I never forget either where I am now, or who might be reading this too, just there's a feeling of determination then that I like about this forum, so the forum is for unsung heroes perhaps where I never stop either...")

repost from elsewhere server support forum

Fleamailman... I don't understand half of the things you ever say. But you are awesome. Just sayin'.

"...whoops sorry, I was being intellectual there, got carried away again, my bad perhaps..." replied the goblin somehow forgetting that most people on this save munchkinland support forum, smf here, were either diehard gamers or long dead mommies, adding "...no, what I need to do is to come up with posts that accommodate both types of posters now, perhaps writing about some kick-a*rse cut-throat housewife that can choose between hurling fragmentation fruit jars, or stung grenade soap-powder packs across a detailed supermarket map, together with hacks to extra lifepoints and credits on purchases then...", yes, in fact, the goblin would do anything to be more accommodating to readers tastes here

140 285 21916

« Last Edit: October 27, 2011, 12:40:41 pm by fleamailman » Logged

"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #286 on: October 31, 2011, 01:39:40 pm »

repost from elsewhere, written at the fall of mubarak

most international press are US and western.

In the case of Egypt, recent events are in reality beyond the influence and control of the White House admin.

Oh I don't know, the U.S. pays for 1/4 of the Egyptian military. That's quite a bit of leverage. Could have been an important factor as to why their military decided to no longer support Mubarak. And no, Mubarak did not hand over power to the military, the military was his power.

"...trust the monkey to use the cat's paw to get the hot chestnut out of the fire..." replied the goblin borrowing that maxim to press his point then, adding "...the 1973 oil embargo has already shown who calls the shots here, and yes, I would like to see what would happen if america went against the saudi's wishes in this matter, besides america is as good as bankrupt now, so the egyptian military only has to side with the saudi's, for simply it's follow the money time where he who pays the piper with petrol credits..., ...", in fact, america is conveniently claiming that it has been caught off-guard again, yet true or false though, it's mindset is always appeasing and balancing isreali/saudi requirements here, something that translates into votes on the one hand and petrol on the other, it's oil/vote dependence is like obvious

141 286 22188
« Last Edit: October 31, 2011, 01:40:56 pm by fleamailman » Logged

"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #287 on: November 04, 2011, 03:24:09 am »

repost from elsewhere, on the importance of passing words then

"...often, all one can do is write about someone in their passing, but then again, often too, that alone acatually turns out to be the best thing one can possibly do for someone gone from here..." mentioned the goblin knowing that each parting was simply something between this open slot here and his feeling towards them then, oh, and no, not so much as in some exercise in self-understanding, more instead as an exercise in self-honesty to oneself alone perhap, saying "...and no, it doesn't have to be done right now, nor written well either, only it has to be written so utterly felt that it reaches out in its sentiment now, then perhaps one has truly said goodbye here, even if gone on is never goodbye, it's see you later isn't it..."

141 287 22345
« Last Edit: November 04, 2011, 03:25:20 am by fleamailman » Logged

"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #288 on: November 10, 2011, 06:39:56 pm »

here, even if gone on is never goodbye, it's see you later isn't it..."

SO TRUE!!!!!! It's NEVER goodbye.. but  "see you later!"

I look normal, as I have an "Invisible Illness". You can not catch it, you can not see it. It's called Lupus.My body is attacking itself on the inside.
www.LupusMCTD.com Represents:
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« Reply #289 on: November 11, 2011, 12:33:58 am »

("...thanks..." went the goblin)

repost from elsewhere

In communism there is no such thing as money or state, you are saying things without knowing what communism entails, or socialism for that matter.

"...so now, what works except capitalism, for which example are you able to show that works then, none to date it seems..." ventured the goblin, adding "...the faults of the present capitalist system are both the growing imbalance of wealth between the haves and the have nots and the general loss of civil rights within the western world, something that won't be cured by communism because there is nothing to stop the abuse of power at the top, something which stalin and chairman meo showed clearly how their absolute power corrupted absolutely..."

141 289 22579
« Last Edit: November 11, 2011, 12:34:48 am by fleamailman » Logged

"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #290 on: November 16, 2011, 04:25:43 am »

repost from elsewhere, the "why not many real names" thread

and with that the goblin, somewhat oddly enough for him though, went right back to topic here, saying "...imagine if I wished to commit a crime, such as identity theft, what would I be looking for exactly, ah yes, someone who sticks up all their details, their photo with their real name, etc., all out in the open and where better than forumland here to find what one is looking for...", the bistro was quiet for friday night the goblin felt, as he looked across the near empty tables again, his WIFI being the bistro's WIFI, while his IP address changed with each session, and perhaps his penguin avatar told the causal observer that the mac address behind the IP address was a standard clone now, even his obscure writing style was part of it then, and yet through all these precautions, the goblin's mind still went back to those house un-american activities committee days, where no one at the time thought that things would get that bad so quickly, and where everything that they had done as a youth, each action then, one's associations too, and above all what one had written were then under investigation, at which point the goblin just smiled as if reading rites here, saying "...well now, you have the right to remain anonymous but anything you might reveal about yourself may be used against you by whomever then, but that is your choice humans..."

141 290 22722
« Last Edit: November 16, 2011, 04:27:13 am by fleamailman » Logged

"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #291 on: November 18, 2011, 09:31:13 am »

repost from elsewhere

Hi fleamailman, I do enjoy reading your post, if I tried to write like that I'd get tongue tied! Like watching Ice Skating but can't skate, at least like that anyway!!   Catch What I'm saying.. To Each Its Own,, You Keep Writing ,I'll Keep reading!!! Have a good one!!!

"...ah now, don't try to be anyone else now, nor will I neither, for conformity is not needed now..." replied the goblin, explaining "...where all this simply becomes your posts showing you to yourself on a little journey to self now where one could easily go through life without ever solidifying one's opinions on paper, many people do just that, or they go after the trinkets of the moneygod, or those trappings of social life, but perhaps something happens to awaken one at one point, and perhaps from that moment onwards one just posts as if passing ones lot through the focus on ones pen, and no, not for that cheap publishing world either, no, just because in this moment you were here and you had to chance to reflect upon it, funny little journey to self this is isn't it..."

141 291 22799
« Last Edit: November 18, 2011, 09:33:03 am by fleamailman » Logged

"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #292 on: November 20, 2011, 08:19:00 am »

 rose Morning FLeamailman

I look normal, as I have an "Invisible Illness". You can not catch it, you can not see it. It's called Lupus.My body is attacking itself on the inside.
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« Reply #293 on: November 20, 2011, 09:39:08 am »

("...hi Kathy, always nice to see your posts..." replied the goblin sitting in the bistro this dull sunday afternoon again, surrounded by little groups of students talking through their assignments he imagined, adding "...ah yes, the uni is just down the road from me, where the vibe is definitely one of involvement and rapport at this point, like a gymnasium for their thinking perhaps, where texts are dissected amongst them and where a residue is then edited into something of themselves...", somehow the goblin too, felt himself to be part of this gymnasium then)

repost from elsewhere

Forums are for fun. Getting published is for serious. I don't see evidence of the publishing world being in deep decline. Writers will always be needed to bring information to the masses. As long as I think I can do that, and be paid for my trouble, I'll work it.

"...one click on the lupusbot's forum soon nips that forums are for fun conjecture in its bud..." replied the goblin, where there were many very real and serious forums out there too, adding "...forumland is still in its infancy so of course most writers are still oblivious to where readers are flocking to, but given the choice between being offered a downloadable pdf file as an ebook, or actually conversing with the author here, readers like myself too would rather go with the flow exploring the growing potential of forumland, against that declining publishing world that is, so please don't shoot the messenger just because I'm pointing out what so evidently is, and of course I wish it was otherwise, but they're here now, we're here too, why, because you want to converse, and you can't converse with that book, no, at best you can converse about books on forumland...", in fact, the goblin had never met a writer who didn't know that the publishing world was in sharp decline, saying "...look, if you don't write for forumland, your readers will read someone else's works here in your place, it's that simple..."

decline of the publishing industry

142 293 22865
« Last Edit: November 20, 2011, 09:46:13 am by fleamailman » Logged

"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #294 on: November 29, 2011, 12:09:41 pm »

repost from elsewhere

one click on the lupus forum soon nips that forums are for fun conjecture in the bud..." replied the goblin, where there were many very real and serious forums out there, adding ...and you can't converse with a book
Goblin, you're missing the point. Yes, serious subjects are discussed on forums, and yes, they're interactive, which a book isn't. So? It's not either/or. I don't get paid for posting on forums, and I don't get off by posting in a particular style on hundreds of forums, as you obviously do. I don't care if I make an "internet presence" -if I did, I'd put my name and links to my books in my sig. And I'm not going to find whole, great information and stories like what I recently bought below on any forum. I don't count free chapters of fantasy crap on some unpublished writer's blog as worth reading. If that's all we end up with because publishing is on a decline, the velocity of our dumbing-down is going to increase with lightning speed.

"...ah now, I like that post, proves you've been holding back on us, even if I feel the truth to be the opposite, in that, walk into any bookshop and it's the publishing world has lots of fastbuck books by crap authors, whereas forumland, because it has no financial incentive, leaves readers to make their own choices upon the merit of what one is reading, and so no, this is not dumbing down, for you only have to look at the posts on this thread alone to see if anything our minds are sharpened by our mudslinging, whoops, correspondence then..." mentioned the goblin, adding "...but you are right though, I did see my mother, for all her wealth and ability, go mentally inactive and socially disengaged just like so many other old like her, till she drowned alone in merlin's cave, simply, "livewriters feed" and I will be known by my posts now, promise, or at least I will know myself by those same posts then..."

142 294 23347
« Last Edit: November 29, 2011, 12:11:26 pm by fleamailman » Logged

"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #295 on: December 02, 2011, 04:01:30 am »

repost from elsewhere

suddenly the vision flashed across the goblin's mind of an eagle whose talon held the lizard's tail up in triumph, but the goblin just laughed, saying "...ah but the lizards are still at large, very artful of those regimes to offer up their democratic tails here..."
Fleamailman, I'm not sure I understand you but at least the lizard can regrow his tail.. Running off laughing at the Eagle. So I guess the Eagle had lunch and the lizard got away. Win, win!

the goblin was merely stating that the real artists were the cronies of those regimes who, together with their military support, that run counties like egypt, where when faced overthrow choose to lose their dictators, their tails then, while keeping the rest of the lizard firmly in place, so the goblin just said "...for example, hosni mubarak agrees to hold an election is six month's time, "not good enough" cries the plebs, so he resigns handing over power to general whathisname, who then says "ok folks, elections in six month's time again" and the crowd is appeased with the tail, not noting that it is exactly what hosni mubarak had offered them in the first place, ample time for those cronies to regroup and whisk away the country's wealth, win/win it is not, well not for the egyptians plebs who have let the lizard out-smart them with the same old tail trick again...."

141 295 23490
« Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 04:02:48 am by fleamailman » Logged

"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #296 on: December 05, 2011, 08:32:17 am »

repost from elsewhere

where did everyone go? we used to have a big bunch of regulars coming in here and chatting and carrying on, now I come here and no one is ever here.real boring and not motivated to try to keep coming here . sad, used to be fun and you could vent and laugh and help each other. I have asked several times where is everyone and no one says anything.all the work done to put all this together and now no one comes and stays long enough to say squat.just plain sad....

"...if you want this forum to succeed, make one thread and take responsibility for it, feeding it slowly with one's own posts..." suggested the goblin, adding "...you see, everyone is too busy, meaning most new threads will probably go unviewed anyway, whereas any post to an established thread will be seen by each person who has previous posted to it, and a high hitcount becomes another pull too, so you'll know where to find me and I always reply there too, but in my selfishness I post on, in that thread, regardless of whether anyone else posts period, as my motivations are clear to me, so why do you post on forumland where forumland is but a profitless wilderness, and where the others around you are really not here at all, for in effect we all post alone with our thoughts to a slot on a screen where the rest can't be proven, but if you know why you post then you have found your purpose within this wilderness then, and the wilderness is yours for the posting on, that's why perhaps..."

142 296 23703
« Last Edit: December 05, 2011, 08:34:06 am by fleamailman » Logged

"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #297 on: December 09, 2011, 08:06:15 am »

repost from elsewhere


living next to an old age home, and still haunted by those memories of his mother surrounded by a bunch of lone silent old folk parked forgottenly in front of a droning television, the goblin's attitude remains one that normal socializing ill serves the old here, saying "...and perhaps facebook is not the answer either, since facebook too is very dependent on visuals such as one's looks and status, etc., so just give me forumland, let me hide my age and looks for their superficial irrelevance to our communication now...", in fact, since the goblin was the only one in the bistro this wet dull gray morning, he had asked the owner to turn off the pop music for once, whereupon a silence reminiscent of a library had taken over from there then, yet within this silence his mind eagerly raced across those written words typed upon the open slot once more, saying "...so why shout when you can talk, and why talk when you can write it down, and why just write when you can readily communicate it across forumland, yet I can still shout where need be, but do I really need to shout where you can hear my voice clearly through these words you read of me..."

142 297 23927
« Last Edit: December 09, 2011, 08:07:28 am by fleamailman » Logged

"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #298 on: December 11, 2011, 01:19:46 am »

repost from elsewhere, the witer's "last post" thread

in fact, the goblin's enthusiasm for writing was the fact that he felt himself amongst real writers now, and admittedly a docile bunch of dimwits by it then but there was always hope
You should've joined the Diplomatic Corps.

the goblin thanked the poster suggesting the civil service, but no, the goblin was only doing his bit to spur writers on here, saying "...no, think nothing of it, and you can thank me later after you've finished writing that epic book once more, till then though you can do something more useful like feeding me some posts..."

142 298 24024
« Last Edit: December 11, 2011, 01:21:06 am by fleamailman » Logged

"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #299 on: December 14, 2011, 06:34:02 am »

repost from elsewhere

It's wonderful, instead of being taken at face value. An idea is created to answer for what appears, and while it's easier to speak simply. One hides behind a poetic nature in attempts to reveal the meme, why not simply ask for the purposed intent?

enjoying the post, the goblin turned to xxxxx's question, explaining "...well the trick is to store one's posts each time, that's all I guess, so one turns this transient nature of forumland into something more meaningful and reflective of oneself, where perhaps too, if one does store one's posts somewhere, an outline of who one is can be glimpsed through those posts then...", in fact, the goblin had noted the way many an author had used narration and illustration to bring their works alive, and had simply felt that the same thing could be done in posts too, adding "...you see, one's persona is not fettered by dailylife's considerations here, simply innerman is allowed to grow from posting on like this, while one's outterman still has to deal with whatever its aging fate holds in store for him, but they are both facets of oneself where neither owns one entirely..."

162 299 24260
« Last Edit: December 14, 2011, 06:40:46 am by fleamailman » Logged

"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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LupusMCTD Founder & Patient
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