« Reply #420 on: September 03, 2014, 11:17:09 am » |
repost from elsewhere, new, the "why do you write" thread "...me, I'm anonymous, so I can't write for a reward here..." smiled the goblin, liking xxxxx's post upon reading it, adding "...just writing is so conducive to my coffee and a lifestyle that would probably spell wasted life to anyone else, but what of it now where that rat-race is for those rats where I have scurried long enough for the trinkets of the moneygod, so one lives, yes and scurries on as best one can, but my attention is ever elsewhere humans and the more I write the more I am me by my pen by it as opposed to me by my externals, and where too, I am too old to justify myself to others now, simply it's habitual then, where no one needs a reason for habit do they...", the view from the goblin's bistro table this morning showed some old people chatting and still others reading the newspapers, and even one or two slowly drowning in a glass of white wine like some insect, sighing "...and there are still those who would have me be myself amongst all this external now, but I have my pen and my writing habit serves me well for my defiance, yes that's all it can ever be I suppose but it's still something, and as such, something more me than just drowning away in dailylife..."  192
« Last Edit: September 03, 2014, 01:23:21 pm by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #421 on: September 11, 2014, 12:50:43 pm » |
repost from elsewhere "...me, I just do the rounds across forums each time..." replied the goblin, explaining "...simply the idea is to set myself a sustainable pace and to keep at it, while tending to reply more to those forums that are responsive, yet even if no one were to post back now I'd still post on, why, because I am editing through an enormous stock of raw posts that all need hewing into something that is more me to my pen here, and besides, all this is like painting where I'm still learning how to paint in the time remaining, one never stops learning now...", and no, the goblin knew that he didn't know, certainly not thinking that he already knew how to paint or post, thus he never stopped, concluding "...naah, a livewriter is never what he has written before, any more than a painter is that which he had once painted, no, to be something, anything at all, one must still be doing it, as in still getting there then..."  192
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #422 on: September 11, 2014, 12:58:56 pm » |
repost from elsewhere, goblin doing the welcome on a writer's forum "...so good luck with your book there human..." went the goblin in his welcome, adding "...but while your at it you'll write for us won't you, I mean there are more readers here looking for their next read than most other places online and it would be a pity not to entice them towards you by your posts...", and with that the goblin snapped his fingers together to reveal a red carpet lined with snapping paparazzi leading to a black limousine whose awaiting door was held open by the man of her dreams who had promised no doubt take her shopping for those very shoes that other women would just die for but more likely kill for, "...yes but what if xxxxx turns out to be a man goblin..." intervened the slot upon hearing the goblin's intro here, "...well I don't know slot, how about we just offer him coffee and donuts instead then..." retorted the goblin, adding "...no, let's play safe then, we'll offer the human coffee and donuts together with those shoes now...", "...brilliant, but don't make the post too long goblin, you know how, what with this internet here, their agitated state means none of them can read books like they used to...", whereupon the goblin in compliance to the slot's request here just hit the post button again suspecting that nobody in their right mind ever read this far anyway  193 422 131461
« Last Edit: September 11, 2014, 01:02:06 pm by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #423 on: September 16, 2014, 08:15:54 am » |
repost from elsewhere, new, a music forum "...nah, it gets worse humans..." started the goblin asking to be excused for the way he wrote, then continuing "...in that, due to obamacare most corporations are reducing their low level staff to a 30hours a week employment status, thus avoiding the insurance bill to cover them, resulting in unemployment figures that might look better with less actual work being divided up between more people, yet for the individual concerned it couldn't be worse because often that person then had to work two jobs where the two separate employers who might not wish to share their employee between them...", yet either way then, everyone knew that the american unemployment figures were a farce, where being dropped off the register after two years regardless of whether one had actually found a job could hardly be reflective of the true unemployment figures, whereupon the goblin just sighed, saying "...the only reason why no one sees this as t he greater depression of the 2010s as opposed to the great depression of the 1930s is that the media has been corrupted by its paymasters to turn a blind eye towards it and its moral obligation to speak out, not forgetting the fact that those all too obtrusive soup kitchens of yesteryear are now neatly replaced by the unobtrusive food stamps of today, moreover back then it was 1 in 10 who lived in the cities whereas today it's 1 in 10 who doesn't...", simply, it had come to the stage where ourdearmedia was without conscience here, and that something that had started out as too big to fail had then become too big to prosecute and was now too big to mention even, where the goblin felt that the excuse of war would be their next tool to suppress even more unreported dissent at home, that america would in effect move onto a war footage against an enemy, imagined or otherwise, if only to hide the depth of its own shortfall and corruption, so the media would in effect offer the audience what amounted to that audience itself then, while hiding behind that media would be that which actually was that audience's reality without coverage  192
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #424 on: September 16, 2014, 08:18:39 am » |
repost from elsewhere, advising a would be writer "...where is the logic of doing that which is expected of you..." asked the goblin, continuing "...surely, you're just pulling your punches if you do so, and besides, those readers don't ever want what they think they want, no I mean where is the magic in meeting their expectations each time, instead you must give them whatever they didn't know that they wanted until you gave it to them, so use your pen well human, don't go around drawing that same old rabbit from the hat just because it either fits the bill or pays the bills, instead try the real magician's trick of drawing those readers out of their chairs by holding them tightly to your pen..."  193
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #425 on: September 16, 2014, 08:22:06 am » |
repost from elsewhere, the "how often do admit your feelings" thread "...I suppose I do admit my own feelings whenever they overwhelm me..." ventured the goblin, adding "...where often too, I'm just left sparing with my ghosts and fighting their past battles over again, and yet doesn't that only reinforce them to my own detriment, so will I ever learn to leave my ghosts alone, yet who can ever leave their past be if one plays with one's pen like this..", somehow as the goblin thought upon it here where he couldn't avoid the simple truth that whatever you write writes you back, saying "...so writers live shared lives, they see ghosts, and hear those voices too, moreover, they possess their characters and are possessed by them too, so now, do you still want to become a writer here where I'll befriend you and help you where I can, but when those readers have finished reading your whatever, and after they've recognized your talent, and even paid you well for your pains, they'll just walk away leaving you stuck with your shared life within you still..."  194 425 132473
« Last Edit: September 16, 2014, 08:23:26 am by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #426 on: September 26, 2014, 03:23:53 am » |
repost from elsewhere, new, "the rant of an unread novelist" thread "...well, if you can actually throw in the towel because of their rejection towards you, the doesn't that just mean that it was just not in your nature to begin with, you're not a writer then..." ventured the goblin actually in befriending tone, adding "...well, again I got banned form somewhere yesterday, and where no doubt I'll just get banned from the next forum I join too, and the one after that, and so on, and so on, but that's just my nature so what else can I do, where you only have to get any halfwitted publisher to accept you, whereas me, I have all forumland to conquer still, forum by forum, anonymously too, the hard way then, and yet my readership is what it is today because I don't want a readership at all, I mean those who just read me matter nothing whatsoever, no I want a replyship instead, for those who post back their thoughts and feelings mean all to me, so quit groveling to all that declining publisher palaver, just bring out that book by yourself instead, while making your posts your ambassadors too, and let those publishers watch readers go to you over their heads, or their soon to be dead bodies if they won't adapt here, after all you didn't read this post by way of those publishers there did you, where if you're good they'll come to you, for who needs middlemen where you have forumland directly..."  194 426 135250
« Last Edit: September 26, 2014, 03:24:38 am by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #427 on: September 26, 2014, 03:25:42 am » |
repost from elsewhere, new, the "who do you love" thread "...well now, they do say opposites attract, so I love just the captain as she commanded..." confided the goblin, not knowing if humans would understand such intricacies, adding "...though I suspect her true love is actually her housework, to which I make some accommodation true, but only where and when my cloak of invisibility has failed me, otherwise it's a body that goes through the motions to a mind that goes through elsewhere, no she probably thinks that she married some potted plant stuck fast to the laptop, or whatever fanatical housewives interpret livewriters to be, but she'd probably admit that it's ok, after all talking to plants is good for one isn't it, so I'm her lost cause then, yet I'd be utterly lost without her too..."  194
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #428 on: October 06, 2014, 04:31:21 am » |
repost from elsewhere, "...keep those posts coming then..." smiled the goblin, adding "...the point of the exercise is as follows, that simply once you have a post done here, it'll just be on this thread for when you want to reuse it elsewhere then, where in doing so you'll edit it once more in its reposting, and where in each time it's reposted it'll be reworded by you again on and on till that final residue of what you started out with, become something exactly you to yourself, whereupon you'll see yourself by it, I mean if you so wish to now, moreover it'll be truly you by your pen, yours then...", yes the goblin had often mentioned it as his journey to self but it was not some incomprehensible now, no it was tangible even to the non religious too, simply that whatever one did from one did one back in return, laughing "...well now, if this journey doesn't temper the sinews of one's soul so to speak, at least it will harden the soles of one's feet instead...", and what a wondrous journey writing was turning out to be  193
« Last Edit: October 06, 2014, 04:36:10 am by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #429 on: October 06, 2014, 04:41:09 am » |
repost from elsewhere, goblin doing the welcome on a writer's forum whereupon the goblin made show again, saying "...look, I know you might have heard lots of nice things about becoming a writer and all that, but couldn't we interest you in becoming a raving psychopath with a chainsaw instead, I mean the place is awash with writertypes already and what this forum really needs at this point is a man of action, no, more like a woman of action in your case perhaps, or at least somebody that everybody else could look up to with respect and envy, not some poxy penpusher hunched over a laptop like a three toed sloth, so what say you human, care to do the honors now...", at which point the goblin rubbed his hands together in gleeful expectation, yes, anything to make this writer's forum more inviting to its readers in general, saying "...so let the grand writers cull commence, it's lights cameras and gore galore, take it away xxxxx...", in fact, the red carpet did seem most appropriate now, for the goblin wondered how else could one possibly welcome a military medic onto this forum properly, saying "...so yes, anything to help you feel more home form home here..."  194 429 138048
« Last Edit: October 06, 2014, 08:51:32 am by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #430 on: October 31, 2014, 08:53:58 am » |
repost from elsewhere, chatting with a london bus driver "...look it's alright xxxxx, you're with friends here and I think most people already know by now know the truth of it anyway, and it's nothing to be ashamed of, promise..." mentioned the goblin remembering how london transport did the rounds of her majesty's institutions of seek out felons with driving licenses offering then reduces sentences in return for solitary confinement in driver compartments on buses, adding "...yes, this excellent idea both serves to reduce the impact of a growing unemployment across britain while showing commuters first hand that felons can contribute to society after all...", in fact, it took many years of the goblin's living in london to cotton on here  196
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #431 on: October 31, 2014, 08:55:45 am » |
repost from elsewhere, the writer's forum again "...truth is that I don't know what your books are like because I've never see them portrayed by your writing style here..." mentioned the goblin, adding "...no, it's a complete blank to me because the author mistakenly thinks that the reader will somehow click onto their link in the signature with no pretext to do so, but why should the reader do so if the author has not given the reader the fluidity of their writing style directly in their posts...", at which point the goblin promised to return again, after he had first got the groceries before the captain returned, explaining "...much as I know that it's so important to support those writertypes in their decline, to plead and to beg them to write in their posts, etc., just that at times it's more important to buy toilet paper, milk and other groceries instead, but please do not think that I won't be thinking of you in my absence, if only because I don't want to be thinking upon those groceries where possible..."  196 431 144062
« Last Edit: October 31, 2014, 09:03:35 am by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #432 on: October 31, 2014, 09:04:58 am » |
repost from elsewhere, new, the "writing an art of traditions" thread "...nah, I don't think any writer who doesn't break form the norm at some point is ever going to be remembered..." replied the goblin, adding "...I mean which greats are we talking about here, and didn't they always seem so different from the norm around them and from what went before, beatles, van gogh, coleridge, and shakespeare all turned their medium upside down overnight, and today we have this forumland here up for grabs between us, where I could just conjecturise till the cows pushed up daisies, but instead I'd prefer to just get on with what I'm doing, why, because if you're reading these posts and conversing like this too, it means you're not reading a book again, so it's interaction today where posters/readers like yourself want to be in on the act now...", "...look, whatever you do goblin don't mention the word panto here...." advised the slot suspecting they wouldn't understand what forum interaction was, "...ok slot, how about I just go "oh no you can't humans MYAHAHAHAHA" instead then...", which was why the goblin felt that it best to attach a youtube stream to help you writertypes, and normal people alike, better understand the nature of forum interaction here, saying "...oh yes humans, you can thank me later if you still wish to do so..." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAQhG59zqZc 200
« Last Edit: October 31, 2014, 09:07:14 am by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #433 on: November 16, 2014, 03:28:51 pm » |
repost from elsewhere, "...well my parents are dead now where I guess that in part in miss the excuse I had back then to write to them..." mused the goblin who had written home often enough, continuing "...it was as if they were my very first edit thread, where there too, whatever I wrote just had to meet a benchmark that I held towards them, while amusing myself too, not least because I felt that somehow they would know when I wasn't for real...", where today too then, the context might have changed somewhat but in essence the goblin was still writing home even now, just trying to interest the reader in what interested him too, just keeping up the contact then, ever just these letters home still  200 433 148153
« Last Edit: November 16, 2014, 03:29:37 pm by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #434 on: November 16, 2014, 03:31:16 pm » |
repost from elsewhere, new, and still in a mess too "... stand and deliver, your money or your life now goblin, yes, those were the days then weren't they, such excitement too, can't see why it had to end like this..." went the highwayman's ghost with a smile chatting to the goblin in the back of his mind, and how indeed those times seem changed today, whereupon the goblin smiled back, admitting "...yes you're right I suppose, but it wasn't very end-user friendly where it's a bit boring now that they decriminalize daylight robbery like this, ah but at least you don't go hung for it anymore either, so there's that then, plus the victim gets to think that they have some choice about it..." replied the goblin continuing "...no today you merely have to politely ask your victims if they would like to hold either treasury bonds at 1.4% returns upon three years maturity, or german euro bonds at 0% return at three years again, or conversely whether they would like to calmly watch the pending bank-runs of their bank deposits instead, I mean it's little wonder then why the bond market is at 300 year high today paying nothing for it, I mean at least one does get the money back minus government decided inflation, so think of it not so much as stand and deliver but as a more wholesome introduction to the present day financial practices I suppose, just legalized crime then where the robber, in collusion with the inflationary practices of the government, simply guards your money for you lending it on the government...", "...nah, still think stand and deliver is more straight forward and honest goblin, even if now that you've put it that way it does seem somewhat crude and profitless by comparison..." voiced the highwayman quickly hanging his pistols for a plump job in the financial sector  200
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #435 on: December 12, 2014, 08:48:29 am » |
repost from elsewhere, on one's youth "...yes I guess I was an embarrassment to humanity back then..." mentioned the goblin, adding "...can't say that I want to go back there either now, but I hate the fact that today I've grown old and somewhat cold within, no it can't be helped I suppose, where simply I played with toys when I was a child just like I played with girls when I was a youth, yes but I played for real like they were my whole world and just meant everything too, yet today I find myself saying "nah I'm too old for all that, too much bother now, just give me that simply life instead" and yet, in that utterance I know exactly who I am by what I've uttered, I'm someone old inside, though regardless of my age today and what age I may yet become hope that I never grow too old to post in your company..."  200
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #436 on: December 12, 2014, 08:54:12 am » |
repost from elsewhere, new, the goblin doing a welcome then In the beginning............ "...ah yes but just perhaps from the beginning you were your alter-ego here, for you yourself aren't here at all, no only these words that represent you are here at this point..." suggested the goblin who too, understood well the workings of this forumland here, asking in return "...I mean, don't you want to know who you are by what you post, so yes, it's a journey to self here if ever there was one, though you won't know who your really are until you reach that journey's end, yet by then what would it have mattered since it all ends at that point, ah but if you know it's pointless, quite useless to know in fact, and still you find yourself wanting to know for no reason at all, then doesn't that just show you your true nature..." suggested the goblin liking the introduction for its originality, adding "...well now, you'll write with us won't you, where yes we're all odd I guess, not least in what we interpret as normal between us, so think of yourself as one of us now, for that my dear poster you already are...", and with that the goblin called for the forum doors to be left open to let one more out into its midst  201
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #437 on: December 12, 2014, 08:55:26 am » |
repost from elsewhere, the "What happens in the event of our non-compliance?" thread "...the end of empire is marked by a disillusionment to the value of money in its debasement downwards by the powers that be..." repeated the goblin, adding "...that currency wars lead to trade wars that in turn take us to real wars is not new as an idea in itself, yet who doesn't see that a currency war is but a distortion of the accepted value of money to the advantage of the distorter here, resulting in the present day unmentioned yet obvious race to the bottom...", in fact it wasn't hard for the goblin to see the pitfall to the current devaluation, in that, if one's savings would devalue then why would anyone save that which depreciates in value over time, moreover, if the assets one held would be confiscated by the powers that be in times of crisis, when and where that crisis was self made by the powers that be, then what asset is worth keeping, especially where the value of that asset is overvalued and taxed to begin with, much like most properties are for example, yes the goblin could see the way the wind was blowing, saying "...yes there is an everyday complacency until there is panic, and complete denial until there is shock, where nothing ever happens overnight until the day one wakes to find that the money has no more value and that one's assets have been either nationalized or repossessed by the banksters, so welcome to another end of empire then, just like each one before isn't it, for printing more money is printing less value, so the disillusionment is simply that then where we look the other way for a long as possible, but..., ..."  201 437 156136
« Last Edit: December 12, 2014, 08:56:21 am by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #438 on: March 18, 2015, 04:51:50 am » |
("...yay, this thread is still here..." went the goblin who was now back into posting again, adding "...thank for reading this far, and yes I need this place...") repost from elsewhere, new at which point the goblin thanked the resident trolls for their amusing hijacks, but then felt it best to return the thread to something more tangible again, saying "...nah, I don't think that anyone who has been following the situation closely actually thinks that the rot will stop at cyprus today, I mean not if that financial system has now observed how utter incompetence earns them more money, I mean what is the point in playing a straight game here where instead one can just depend upon taxpayers repeatedly, and now upon the large depositors too, to bail out a crashed system in a crisis created by those same institutions that lent the money in the first place...", in fact, the goblin now suspected that bank runs would spread across the weaker member states of the EU, that gold prices would soar, and that the recession would then be blamed upon those who lived off meager welfare payments rather than real culprits, those who lived off multi-billion welfare bailouts...", in fact, the goblin suspected war was on the cards, saying "...yes, they would like that, anything to distract someone from actually seeing what one sees here, and what does one see here, one sees how this gluttony is fast killing the financial system whose death is long overdue anyway, where the patient can't stop eating money, and where the doctor keeps prescribing yet more money as the only cure..."  201 438 181273
« Last Edit: March 18, 2015, 04:53:42 am by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #439 on: May 18, 2015, 11:27:30 pm » |
repost from elsewhere, new, the problem of trolls "...generally, a troll wants attention but can't do the posts that merit it, thus they cling to the shirttails of those content providing posters here instead, where it's almost a good sign, in livewriting circles at least, to have one's thread trolled, however, if one starts banning trolls then they only return to the forum under some other unsername by a different email address meaning that one is then dealing with sockspuppets wondering which new member is the sockpuppet of some previously banned troll, so no I simply suggest you give the trolls a playpen, but not to stick all the trolls in it, just the worse offender from time to time, that way nothing gets deleted avoiding that other but my post wasn't trolling ploy, plus the forum looks like it has some light but considerate moderation to it..." suggested the goblin, adding a proviso here, saying "...got to remember that humor is like sunshine, too much flames posters where too little leaves the forum cold in its absence..." continuing "...so trolling isn't a bad thing where its neither excessive or spiteful, and as long as one keeps the temperature firmly in check...", and then the goblin suddenly remembered that normal people never read this far, adding "...no you haven't read this far have you, good, for a moment I was worried that you had..."  203 439 196271
« Last Edit: February 01, 2016, 04:46:18 am by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #440 on: June 07, 2015, 11:29:03 am » |
("...thank you for reading these posts, I come here to feel their courage still..." mentioned the goblin reminiscing) repost from elsewhere, Since her and I are good friends he asked me to talk to her about it and see what her deal is or to at least try to talk some sense into her since she won't speak to him. Do I help? Do I talk to her? I don't know if this is something I should get involved in. I know it pretty much sounds like your typical 'military people got married like idiots' thing, but these 2 were crazy in love and it showed and her husband still feels this way about her. But it's like she hit a light switch and changed overnight. "...and besides, what can you say to her anyway..." inquired the goblin, adding "...aren't you just another voice in their orbit, for your words change nothing in the long run where the truth will out regardless of whichever way you play it then, so instead you should just be cordial without becoming a doormat, listening but without judging or scheming, and above all don't discuss them here if either of them know who you are on this forum...", at which point the slot just interrupted the goblin, saying "...ok, do watch out goblin, you sound much like polonious advising hamlet, where no doubt hamlet will take all your good advice to heart only to then stab you to death for your pains..."  203 440 200203
« Last Edit: June 07, 2015, 11:31:45 am by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #441 on: June 07, 2015, 11:39:56 am » |
repost from elsewhere by the time I got to the second page, I knew I liked what I was reading. you'd have to have the attention span of a grape to hate on those two. "...thanks xxxxx..." went the goblin, feeling he was addressing someone a cut above the rest, adding "...so I guess it's much as you say then, that there is always going to be those who like reading the posts of livewriters and those who don't even care to look at them, but the problem is never how one is received so much as how one is replied to, where a livewriter seeks engagement first, but instead will put up with confrontation where need be, however I doubt that any livewriter will stay on a forum that is only readership pure and simple, for it's only those writertypes who will settle for a readership alone, livewriters try hard to build up a replyship, oh yes anyone can livewrite just that they don't, whereas any livewriter could stop just they can't..."  203
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #442 on: July 04, 2015, 07:30:49 am » |
repost from elsewhere, new, from the "suicidal girlfriend took all her stuff, deleted facebook, etc. What should I do" thread I know you guys told me to not date this girl a few months ago. You were probably right. Let's get that out of the way. "...where no doubt like you will just ignore these logical responses this time too for their base logic then..." smiled the goblin thinking how much you humans lack flare hiding your hearts too, continuing "...so go to her now, tell her the truth then, that you're willing to die with her if that's what it takes to be with her now, be sincere and mean every word of it, discuss suicide then, talk it over as lovers would, for your rival is death here and her fixation upon it, follow your heart and not your head in this, just offer the ultimate price to her, see if that is what it takes to wake her up from her fixation..." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRqmcgHG42Y 203 442 204700
« Last Edit: July 04, 2015, 07:31:51 am by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #443 on: July 04, 2015, 07:52:52 am » |
repost from elsewhere, new, the "I got a whole buncha fresh brussels sprouts" thread "...wish I could help you but I don't know how any of you humans can actally eat brussels sprouts then..." went the goblin remembering christmas dinner with dread then, and then rolling them under the table with unprecedented satisfaction till his mum got wise and started looking under the table too, whereupon the goblin just confined something, saying "...no, I think the only thing I ever liked about reagan's term in office was nancy reagan's just say no to brussel sprouts campaign..."  204
« Last Edit: July 04, 2015, 07:54:15 am by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #444 on: August 30, 2015, 04:33:39 pm » |
repost from elsewhere, the "I have been hitting my ketchup bottle for 1 hour now and cant get any on my ice cream" thread What am I doing wrong? "...nothing wrong at all, my dear friend..." went the goblin welcoming him back from the brink of sanity, continuing "...but then again, clearly as of yet, you haven't contacted those homeland security people to report your suspicious activity there, in that although pouring ketchup upon ice cream is not a misdemeanor in itself, it's hardly normal neither, and thus by being abnormal in the absence of normalcy, it becomes highly suspicious of you doesn't it, perhaps containing some hidden subliminal message for some as of yet unknown terrorist activities elsewhere...", just that the goblin was building up the the idea that the poster, in his wish to aid the homeland security people that is, could offer his icecream to judge napolitano at this point thus keeping america safe from the subversion of this apparent type of suspicious activity, whereupon the goblin went "...now hands up all those in agreement with me then..."  210 444 214410
« Last Edit: August 30, 2015, 04:38:50 pm by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #445 on: August 30, 2015, 04:43:55 pm » |
repost from elsewhere, the "what are your views on god or not god" thread "...I know god..." ventured the goblin, adding "...and yet I don't know what it is I know, just that I know it anyway, and besides I suspect that the nazis were antichristian then in their might is right idea, where one only has to look at the creed of the waffen ss to see where extreme paganism goes, for they too thought themselves to be some chosen people of a master race, so the problem is not whether you know god or don't know him but whether you can maintain your humanity and moderation in either accepting him or rejecting him outright, where alas the voice of moderation within one, as in toleration for alternative views is proof of one's humanity, is a voice that increasingly falling upon deaf ears around one now, for an open mind is a receptive one, blind faith is no faith but blind denial no better neither, so a little bit of doubt is a beautiful thing, why, because in truth no one knows what they know, yet see what happens when they claim to know it all for sure  \ 212
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #446 on: October 11, 2015, 08:18:58 am » |
repost from elsewhere up before the sun, the goblin sits in the cold room as if accompanied by a small insect that beats against the paper lampshade attracted by the light but lost really, and so it is then, that a pair of shoes in the hallway entrance now announces the final end to hope, the goblin's plans dashed, and although such things were not the goblin's choice anyway, he knew that he would miss his son's ex girlfriend now, suspecting too that she had been too good for him anyway, sighing "...the world of adults is one of lies, thus for the sake of appearances I will welcome his new one with open arms not letting out my true feeling of disappointment, and no it's not the new one's fault as he broke up before her and restarted anew, just time to move on, but perhaps just perhaps this will remind me of my place as a parent where my ephemeral hope is now replaced a solid fear that my disappointment might show and my deception not deceive, just "pain to open the eyes" as they say, she's in his past now...", the goblin turns off the light letting the insect find its own way out in due course  xxxx 446 221381
« Last Edit: October 11, 2015, 08:19:48 am by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #447 on: December 06, 2015, 05:09:13 am » |
repost from elsewhere Maybe most writers do this, write in different voices for different purposes I mean. A little while ago I wrote a short story in the first person from the pov of a postman, I once wrote another from the pov of a tree - it wouldn't be very easy to respond on this thread from the pov of a tree. I've long thought that fleamailman's voice is that of a ventriloquist, as if the goblin was a puppet in the hands of a puppeteer. A ventriloquist's dummy can be more provocative, more outspoken, more adversarial perhaps, than the ventriloquist himself could ever be. For some strange reason we do not fully associate the dummy's utterances with the ventriloquist, and so it is with the goblin in some way. I respect fleamailman's choice of this voice and I understand that having chosen it he must then persevere with it or the spell would be broken - much as an actor addressing the audience directly can breach the 'fourth wall'. And so he cannot reveal himself and still maintain the character he has created but he could maintain, and may indeed already maintain, alternate identities on this and other forums. But what seems odd to me is the way that some moronic types expect a writer to somehow emerge from the persona they occupy, as if, underneath, there is some different intelligence lurking. Of course there isn't, you idiots - don't you know that when you address the dummy you are really speaking to the ventriloquist? musing upon xxxxx's words, suspecting that it was just how xxxxx had related it then, the goblin also understood now that his dailylife self too was a dummy of sorts, sighing "...just I do what is expected of me, either because at my age one can't do otherwise, or just because in my position others are dependent upon my doing as expected, so it's just the role that one acts out in dailylife the for most part, a real compromise if ever there was one...", so it was to this forumland here then that the goblin came for his escape, and yet he knew that if he wanted to write in third person, giving his alter-ego full sway by it, he would have to choose some persona in his stead where this goblin persona originally came from his computer workshop days, even if it had later lent itself adiquately to his temperament while writing here of a creature rebelling against its dailylife self, smiling "...perhaps then, when looking at ventriloquism, one forgets that the ventriloquists too is the second dummy in the act, as in the dailylife self and virtual self, and where perhaps both dummies were ever just representations of some alter-ego who remains elusive behind them of both..."  211
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #448 on: December 06, 2015, 05:11:13 am » |
repost from elsewhere, the "what are the benefits of writing" thread "...well I suppose it's just passing the essence of one's existence through the focus of one's pen then..." replied the goblin suspecting that sounded slightly better than daydreaming away over a laptop in a bistro to a coffee, and then the music started where that solemn captain kirk unmistakable voice commenced "...imagination, that final frontier, to boldly daydream where no other goblin has ever daydreamed before...", the music together with his coffee propelled his now warped mind at warped speed, just the goblin's imminent escape opened up before him once more where the nigh impossible conquest of forumland was there too, smiling "..ah no, the futility of it is never an issue where one's escape is concerned, for all that ever matters is one's trying to escape still..."  211 448 228486
« Last Edit: December 06, 2015, 05:21:33 am by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #449 on: December 31, 2015, 09:30:19 am » |
repost from elsewhere, someone announcing their birthday the goblin felt somewhat envious at this point because he had mislaid his birthday somewhere some point before, saying "...tell you what though, if you can take a little out time why not make a mental note of those birthdays presents you received to date, just that which you got from whomever whenever, and see if you feel inside if you still want to say thank you to them once more, where you do then say "thank you" under your breath and I promise you they'll hear it, more I cannot offer really for more there is not..."  xxxx 449 231127
« Last Edit: December 31, 2015, 09:31:29 am by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast