« Reply #90 on: May 31, 2010, 02:10:56 pm » |
("...I'm happy kathy, I love this thread here, though coming here straight from the troll's forum needs quite a gear change..." mentioned the goblin now) repost from the trolls site today the last person to post here is a fagot "...OK, so which of the trolls are we sending these invitations out to, I mean the list is rather extensive I believe..." inquired the goblin now, adding "...btw I'm enjoying your posts trolls...", in fact, as long as one shelved any deep intellectual aspirations here, being on this troll's was even more fun than jumping off a cliff..." 
« Last Edit: May 31, 2010, 02:12:47 pm by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #91 on: May 31, 2010, 05:48:05 pm » |
Happy Memorial Day!
« Reply #92 on: May 31, 2010, 11:23:52 pm » |
repost from elsewhere Hay Since I'm cheap do you want to be my therapist. You would feel a lot better about your life if you knew mine Ha Ha "...ah no, I'm afraid that I would only make you more mad..." replied the goblin honestly, adding "...but feel free to tell me whatever you wish to as I am good at listening, but be careful now, everything gets weaved into my posts, no, never by name, only by inflection of what one reads into them...", in fact, the goblins could never be trusted bits of people's lives lay littered around them, musing "...but I wonder where you would see yourself in what I have written by now..." 
« Last Edit: May 31, 2010, 11:25:44 pm by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #93 on: June 01, 2010, 04:10:19 am » |
repost from elsewhere “...listen, why not just stop trying goblin, just let go now, as there's really no one to please here, nor anything to prove either...” came the reasoning voice from the back of the goblin's mind again, continuing “...your trouble goblin, is that you keep thinking that you're the real person on this forum, where simply you're just a anonymous persona, so you compromise each time thinking that it actually makes a blind bit of difference, where deep down you know too, don't you goblin, that in the end, your very last post will only leave off exactly where your first post began, in anonymity here, so a fool tries hard to compete and just fails for his caring, burning with envy at those other competing fools then, not seeing that he is actually alone facing a vast sea of forumland in its many guises ..." 
« Last Edit: June 01, 2010, 07:45:50 am by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #94 on: June 02, 2010, 08:26:17 am » |
"...thanks everyone..." replied the goblin whose mind felt like it wobbled inside its skull with each dull thought, "...I will never drink again till next time..." he promised thinking that at least it was a more honest appraisal of his long term ability to forget today's sorely felt lesson but for the time being that lesson held him in check 
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #95 on: June 06, 2010, 10:42:02 pm » |
"...ah yes, dailylife is more difficult to deal with because one is ever in view..." replied the goblin, continuing "...whereas on forumland, one just has to act the part, for no one will know otherwise...", so the goblin never changed now, it was as if each tie to his dailylife had slowly been curtailed in that promise to his wife to protect the family from prying eyes, which had in fact freed him, saying "...an internetself is an interesting concept kathy, "eternal youth" perhaps...", not that the goblin cared to portray himself some "young adonis" that is, but neither did he want dailylife to dictate his virtual reality either, continuing "...my sunday morning too, and I am up a six to catch up with my inbox once more, oddly if this had been any dailylife activity, it would have worn me thin and killed me by now, but I feel so alive, like driving in an open back car across some hot arizona desert listening to a medley of old radio tunes, care for a spin then kathy I'll take you anywhere you wish to go now, for it's all forumland..." 
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #96 on: June 07, 2010, 06:50:11 am » |
"...welcome infidels..." went the voice of the interpreter now, continuing "...we're very sorry that the goblin is indisposed at this point, though instead we are happy to announce that we have found someone, who we feel to be equally knowledgeable, to aid you with those difficult and complex questions, that you might have, concerning the general state of america's ecopolitical situation at this point, so without further ado, please welcome..., ..." 
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #97 on: June 07, 2010, 12:27:04 pm » |
the goblin too, felt that he should welcome new members here saying "...welcome then, I am sure you will appreciate the finer qualities of this unique thread here, together with the way this thread is purposefully designed to inspires writers, such as yourself of course, to reach deep within their dormant creative selves, helping them to tap into those hidden yet practical qualities of "hamming", "spamming" and "trolling"...", the goblin stopped for a moment trying to find the right words to express his logic here, saying "...yes, simply a writer in this day and age has to know those black arts too, where he is after all, a writer in every post he does now, and where hecklers are a constant companion on threads across forumland...", so perhaps the goblin was hiding truth behind a little joke again, where goblins were not to be trusted 
« Last Edit: June 07, 2010, 12:33:46 pm by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #98 on: June 11, 2010, 08:19:56 am » |
repost from elsewhere the goblin liked the rain in summer, those showers that burst out and fell with all its pent up frustration and vengeance to whip cracks of thunder and sudden shocks of lightning, where each droplet just bounced off the surface in a drum-call of excitement, saying "...ah yes, I always myself admiring this rain then, a rain that one would least like to be under too, like a dark girlfriend perhaps, one who's entirely wrong for ones quaint little world but still so unforgettably alluring in wildness that one feels ever drawn to her...", and how the topic brought back a ghost of a girlfriend past now, where sometimes the goblin just hated his own heart then, saying "...perhaps I should have followed my heart over the cliff with her, and fallen from grace now..." 
« Last Edit: June 26, 2010, 02:59:35 am by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #99 on: June 11, 2010, 11:58:46 am » |
"...life ends when one stops caring..." went the goblin borrowing M L Kings's words, "...if that's the case, my life should have ended before it even started..." came the reply from within now, so the goblin just replied "...oh that where we differ then, for there are many things I care about, just that these cares are on my terms, nor theirs, where certainly what they might call important doesn't mean that much to me..." mentioned the goblin who always tried to avoid the too extremes of either opinionated or unopinionated, saying "...simply I'm forming an ongoing opinion then, resulting in my caring perhaps..." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_j4h3gGYZSk&feature=related
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #100 on: June 12, 2010, 12:52:59 pm » |
Hello & Happy Saturday!!! 
 I look normal, as I have an "Invisible Illness". You can not catch it, you can not see it. It's called Lupus.My body is attacking itself on the inside. www.LupusMCTD.com Represents: 1) We are patients helping researchers build a future for the lives of others... 2) Where HOPE is a WORK In Progress 3) Pay It Forward~Giving Back To The Future Lupus/MCTD Patients
« Reply #101 on: June 12, 2010, 12:58:00 pm » |
"...early days..." went the goblin, adding "...but soon will have a thread with 1000 hits here, where a year ago, who would have thought that this was even possible..." adding "...and why shouldn't we blow our own trumpets once in a while...", and with the goblin just borrowed a line from that gnostic gospels where Jesus says "show me the stone that the builders have rejected, for that one is the cornerstone." 
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #102 on: June 15, 2010, 07:06:01 pm » |
 .. LOVE the pic of the baby & brew!
 I look normal, as I have an "Invisible Illness". You can not catch it, you can not see it. It's called Lupus.My body is attacking itself on the inside. www.LupusMCTD.com Represents: 1) We are patients helping researchers build a future for the lives of others... 2) Where HOPE is a WORK In Progress 3) Pay It Forward~Giving Back To The Future Lupus/MCTD Patients
« Reply #103 on: June 15, 2010, 11:55:29 pm » |
repost from "what are you thinking" thread, elsewhere "...well I'm thinking about that internet-self again..." mentioned the goblin, continuing "...where the question remains how to create an internet-self which counteracts the demise of one physical-self here, as summed up in that idea of "the act replaces the actor", where writers too, are replaced by their creating then"...", in fact, although the goblin clearly understood that no one could ever escape their dailylife, he wondered if someone felt their age while creating something, since creating was so engrossing, so the goblin just confessed his madness now, saying "...for me, everything remains possible within my ageless vivid imagination while creating something, and, since this creating has no age, then neither do I while doing it, well not until I take off this mask and return to dailylife that is..." 
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #104 on: June 16, 2010, 10:12:01 am » |
Good Morning .. or is it Good Evening where you live Goblin? Either way.. I hope your day is going great! 
 I look normal, as I have an "Invisible Illness". You can not catch it, you can not see it. It's called Lupus.My body is attacking itself on the inside. www.LupusMCTD.com Represents: 1) We are patients helping researchers build a future for the lives of others... 2) Where HOPE is a WORK In Progress 3) Pay It Forward~Giving Back To The Future Lupus/MCTD Patients
« Reply #105 on: June 17, 2010, 12:34:11 pm » |
"...catch me if you can then, but I am not poaching you anywhere..." repeated the goblin, continuing "...just you're too good for any one forum alone, you should be on many now, for how else is forumland ever going to know of you if you don't post yourself across it, yet perhaps it's best to start off somewhat anonymous, you can blow your cover whenever you like, though I never will, for I enjoy my anonymity far too much to spoil it, besides, forumland hates people who stick up all their dailylife details so you need to be a bit imaginative here, besides, I never thought that person in the mirror was the true "you" anyway, no you had to be an angel in the way you alone befriended me..." 
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #106 on: June 17, 2010, 12:50:25 pm » |
I'm slowly getting the old gang back here before mid July....  when the Ning account starts charging to use....
 I look normal, as I have an "Invisible Illness". You can not catch it, you can not see it. It's called Lupus.My body is attacking itself on the inside. www.LupusMCTD.com Represents: 1) We are patients helping researchers build a future for the lives of others... 2) Where HOPE is a WORK In Progress 3) Pay It Forward~Giving Back To The Future Lupus/MCTD Patients
« Reply #107 on: June 26, 2010, 02:47:53 am » |
repost from elsewhere "If I'm 'too good for any one forum,' then why would I want to belong to another forum world...?" asked the dark pixie faerie
the goblin liked that line now, replying "...I suppose it really just boils down to that idea of "persona before person" again, as it is something that will get people to meet you form elsewhere, where if they appreciate your posts knowing that you are here, then here is where they will come to find you now...", the goblin was often followed like this, it was as if this habit turned forums become forumland so to speak, saying "...also, ones internet history needs to be grown too, which is created by being across forums..." 
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #108 on: June 26, 2010, 02:50:51 am » |
repost from elsewhere "...ah spirit, a death announced is a friend is it not, where accidents are the hardest of his jests, but he alone adds meaning to ones short life here, for without death it would all be some meaningless eternity..." said the goblin, adding "...funny, we're like so many fireflies against the night's sky, where it's as if those stars just smile down at our assumptive folly each time, but I'd rather be one of those little fireflies then, for the stars can't dance like we do tonight..." 
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #109 on: June 26, 2010, 02:52:57 am » |
"...today it's the first stage of zen then..." ranted the goblin now, his stomach still churning from yesterday's whatever, adding "...it feels ten degrees colder than normal here, so whether I have eaten something, or caught something, really makes no difference, in that, whereas normally I am "going through the motions" during work, today I am just "going through the non-motions" where possible for today the man in the mirror would pass for a zombie...", anyway the goblin's imagination was firmly grounded at this point, saying "...I promise to escape my reality to somewhere else tomorrow, but today it's just the first stage of zen again, the one where one makes ones mind as blanc as possible..." 
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #110 on: June 26, 2010, 02:55:33 am » |
repost from elsewhere "Even if you weren't captured and placed in a jar you still wouldn't last very long. Two to three days at most maybe?" said the vampire pixie faerie, wondering why anyone would want to be a lightening bug. "But, if you were a great star, you would last for many years. You might grow old yes, but not for a very long time..." "...longevity is not the point of life..." replied the goblin, continuing "...those stars are stationary, whereas this "journey to self" seems all that more wondrous for its short duration here...", the goblin was thinking back to all that he had loved in his past, those ghosts then, saying "...how I now understand that which I once had, where its loss has grown this sense of value within me, bittersweet perhaps but uniquely mine now..." 
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #111 on: June 26, 2010, 02:57:43 am » |
repost from elsewhere wow, this thread is interesting... I surely have an opinion somewhere...  ..., it's funny, lately I have been thinking how offline is now taking up too much of my available online time... what a twist from 2007, 2008, and 2009, now I feel I need some balance the other way, while I am no longer a forum junkie, I am not 100% happy with the little time I have for reading and posting "...one idea then is if one can't be on-line often enough, is to prepare ones posts off-line for the next time one goes on-line again, thereby blurring the notion of being on-line/off-line here, where for example someones reply might feed me now, resulting in my "feeding the slot" like this, but if not, there is everything that floats up while either going through my passing day off-line, or conversely born of the depth of my staring at the computer screen like now still off-line though, but either way, being on-line or not changes little as the post itself is merely the culminative discharge of that which I have digested previously, so perhaps then, when people say my posts are a load of crap, indeed they might well be, but they have shriveled digestive tracts for saying so, for life is this feast is it not, something should come of it then..." replied the goblin 
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #112 on: June 26, 2010, 01:47:58 pm » |
 I don't regret anything either! Your posts are Delicious! 
 I look normal, as I have an "Invisible Illness". You can not catch it, you can not see it. It's called Lupus.My body is attacking itself on the inside. www.LupusMCTD.com Represents: 1) We are patients helping researchers build a future for the lives of others... 2) Where HOPE is a WORK In Progress 3) Pay It Forward~Giving Back To The Future Lupus/MCTD Patients
« Reply #113 on: June 28, 2010, 04:52:13 am » |
alas, this year too, the final was not to be then, as the goblin remembered 1966, the black and white television, and the family watching on as the last moments clinched the world cup title for england, and it, like the assassination of the president before that, and the landing of the moon later, just seemed another milestone in the goblin's early childhood, a moment one doesn't forget saying "...perhaps those milestones didn't really change much, lost icons of some bygone era perhaps, where even if england had actually won the cup here today, it wouldn't have been as big a win as then was...", somehow england is always better when it plays the part of underdog http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vq1a-IBaBlU&feature=related
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #114 on: June 29, 2010, 09:02:47 pm » |
alas, this year too, the final was not to be then, as the goblin remembered 1966, the black and white television, and the family watching on as the last moments clinched the world cup title for england, and it, like the assassination of the president before that, and the landing of the moon later, just seemed another milestone in the goblin's early childhood, a moment one doesn't forget saying "...perhaps those milestones didn't really change much, lost icons of some bygone era perhaps, where even if england had actually won the cup here today, it wouldn't have been as big a win as then was...", somehow england is always better when it plays the part of underdog http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vq1a-IBaBlU&feature=related Ahhh black & white TV... remember *rabbit ears*?... good times Goblin, good times!
 I look normal, as I have an "Invisible Illness". You can not catch it, you can not see it. It's called Lupus.My body is attacking itself on the inside. www.LupusMCTD.com Represents: 1) We are patients helping researchers build a future for the lives of others... 2) Where HOPE is a WORK In Progress 3) Pay It Forward~Giving Back To The Future Lupus/MCTD Patients
« Reply #115 on: June 30, 2010, 02:53:15 am » |
repost from elsewhere what do I win "...the poster wins a reprieve from reality a bit longer then, perhaps we all do by this..." replied the goblin, as if noting how this society would just grind to a halt if our dear media didn't prop the status quo up with anything but what we are actually facing, the goblin spelled it out now, saying "...our dear media gives us bedtime stories because bedtime stories is what we want to believe here, I mean a few questions then, does anyone think that the euro is workable, does anyone really think that three trillion dollar debt is manageable, is post glacial rebound not causing all these earthquakes then, can either the war is iraq or the one in afghanistan be won now, is the oil spill not happening, ah no, according to our dear media what is actually happening is that all important "world cup" of ours, and to a lesser extent some g20 summit somewhere...", 
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #116 on: June 30, 2010, 02:58:09 am » |
"...perhaps the question is not one of who wins here, as you already know that that changes with the last one who posts, ah no, the real question remains "with what then" for that's the pull of this thread for me where I am my posts alone now..." mentioned the goblin knowing that this was still early days for most humans, adding "...in a year's time forumland will either commend you or condemn you, for you are looking at a mirror humans, your posts reflect you still..." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HmJQyS8QVw
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #117 on: July 05, 2010, 04:32:32 am » |
repost from elsewhere, how to make friends on writer's sites, example number 1 the goblin just opened up a bit, saying "...I imagine that most people follow their own writing rules, where certainly I hide myself behind a lax grammar usage, which becomes an individual writing style as part of a recognizable yet anonymous persona here, anyway I'm happy with the advantages it offers me now...", it was as if the goblin understood that most categorizations came from seeing some gap between knowing how someone should write and the way they then failed to, a discrepancy that revealed the writer's benchmark to the reader here, something the goblin deliberately avoided it as a trap, concluding "...simply if the reader can follow, then tedious writing rules are for those who haven't got something better to write..." 
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #118 on: July 18, 2010, 07:48:17 am » |
and with that the goblin was thinking elsewhere now, for somehow the oil spill in the gulf of mexico reminded him of galveston in 1900 again, where an impression of boundless optimism and everything firmly in control was being portrayed be the presumptuous humans, but somewhere, just out to sea perhaps, or a bit below it then, the kraken had rudely awoken and would teach a lesson in respect http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5738477727172072633#
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #119 on: July 20, 2010, 10:41:52 am » |
 GOBLIN!!! I'm so sorry I haven't been around.. my life as lonely as it can be.. can be a busy one! 
 I look normal, as I have an "Invisible Illness". You can not catch it, you can not see it. It's called Lupus.My body is attacking itself on the inside. www.LupusMCTD.com Represents: 1) We are patients helping researchers build a future for the lives of others... 2) Where HOPE is a WORK In Progress 3) Pay It Forward~Giving Back To The Future Lupus/MCTD Patients