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Author Topic: the last person to post here wins  (Read 692662 times)
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« Reply #150 on: October 25, 2010, 03:21:35 pm »

("...I am still bringing people here, linking the thread now..." went the goblin somehow understanding his need to be here at tiimes)

repost from elsewhere

"...no age on the internet..." smiled the goblin, adding "...not unless they trick you into revealing it now..."

54 dammit, you tricked me.

"...ah but you can't prove it, as no one can prove it, one can only claim it to be true asking others to believe..." ventured the goblin whose age very much depended upon where on forumland he was, explaining "...well on writer's forums I look and feel younger than most there for I am not trying to uphold writing standards, whereas on troll's forums I probably seem older for there are limits I won't go over...", so perhaps what the goblin was getting at here was that "age" was only a mindset on forumland, where the mind itself was ageless


"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #151 on: October 25, 2010, 03:22:46 pm »

repost from elsewhere, why the goblin wants "out of afghanistan"

"...history goes against hope here, for doesn't afghanistan just fight itself whenever it isn't fighting its occupiers now..." mentioned the goblin looking over a rather extensive list to date, adding "...so if we don't leave in obama's term, then we'll fight iran in the next when the right wing gets voted in after him, where america, clearly as top dog here, can win any war it likes only to forget that it can ill afford the peace afterwards..."


"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #152 on: October 31, 2010, 06:29:57 am »

repost from elsewhere, a writer's site

"...these days one could probably get a whole library on one large hard drive, for I have most of the many books that I like on my USB key here, and in word format too..." mentioned the goblin just reiterating his unyielding point again that "few people in this age have either the time or the patience to read through umpteen pages of some book now", in fact, his mind mused over that obviously dwindling half life of books as reported by so many writers on their forums now, so the goblin simply repeated something saying "...well if one knows this fact to be a fact then, but still wants those readers to read ones writings, then surely isn't experimenting with this internet, seeing if one can get them to read ones posts instead, something one shouldn't be shooting the messenger here about...", but that was the goblin for you, just he understood the meaning of ones "persona" more than most it seemed, where simply one was like a character in ones book on this internet



"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #153 on: October 31, 2010, 06:35:20 am »

repost from elsewhere, someones birthday again

"...every day is a gift then..." said the goblin, continuing "...where these birthdays do mark milestones in that generosity here, where nothing can be taken for granted now, so if anyone ever asks me what the best gift of any birthday to date, I would probably lie with an answer that they would expect from me, like some trinket perhaps, but I would actually be thinking to myself "why simply my being here of course", happy birthday now..."


"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #154 on: November 06, 2010, 05:26:57 am »

repost from elsewhere

"The subject of anonymous persona again." laughed the vampire pixie faerie. "To me its kind of like a vampire. Being immortal and being able to do whatever you want because you want it. But it also has its major draw backs. Within being a vampire you have to feed. This case its on posts. But then again, vampires are great at keeping themselves anonymous."

"...you see, I have to keep myself anonymous..." replied the goblin now, explaining "...not so much out of some need for actual secrecy here, even if I did promise the captain to keep these two worlds apart now, no more simply it's because without anonymity one ages here, where nothing ages one quicker than being known and established...", somehow the goblin remembered greta garbo when at the very peak of her career she suddenly left hollywood and all that paparazzi behind, concluding "...well it's either that or dying outright I suppose, otherwise one is just compared to ones former peak and suffers the full indignation of clark gaibal's fate of being compared with something in ones past each time..."


"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #155 on: November 06, 2010, 05:28:07 am »

repost from elsewhere

"...so if we don't leave in obama's term, then we'll fight iran in the next when the right wing gets voted in that is..."

Bite your tongue!

"...nah, they'll be going to war if only because they're fast running out of money and ideas here, where the plebs will need to be distracted with yet more circus when that financial collapse bites..." mentioned the goblin again, "...though admittedly one mustn't use that term "circus" here, because that suggests images of party political clowns and on the one hand and on with the show folks commentators on the other, so instead we need to use a proper name like "theater of war" here as it doesn't quite have those connotations, for "real theatrics mediated, timed, and decided for the viewing spectators" couldn't possible be mistaken for actual circus now could it..."



"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #156 on: November 06, 2010, 05:29:40 am »

repost from elsewhere, the "Rolling in it: the highest paid authors" thread
"...I will never be known nor make money out of this either, promise..." went the goblin now, adding "...just to become a known unknown at best then...", so the internet was vast, fast, and alive he felt and these were early days too, adding "...no I just want to be a livewriter on this internet here, where the truth is that, like you, I too haven't the slightest clue what that means, only that it's mine for the trying and I am going to try for it..."


"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #157 on: November 06, 2010, 03:16:27 pm »

I am terribly sorry I have not been around much!
I am busy helping promote a movie about a Lupus patient.. I get to interview the writer/director , producer AND the lead actress!!!
So excuse me if between now & Wednesday I don't get to posting here .
Hope you are well!


I look normal, as I have an "Invisible Illness". You can not catch it, you can not see it. It's called Lupus.My body is attacking itself on the inside.
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« Reply #158 on: November 07, 2010, 06:43:10 am »

("...as long as you don't wish this forum to end, I will be here since it needs posts, posts are the lifeblood of a forum..." mentioned the goblin who would just continue his editing then)

Well, goblin, maybe you'll eventually gain notariety and a place in Wikipedia as a famous internet poster, like early newsgroup posters Archimedes Plutonium and The Internet Oracle.

"...that would be a thought..." said the goblin liking it, sounding rather like "the tomb of the unknown goblin" then, of course all spoiled when or if his dna revealed that he was actually some poxey nobody in dailylife too, concluding "...oh, how boring it must be to become as aged as ones works now, ah but if you're reading this then what more should I care actually for..."


"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #159 on: November 20, 2010, 02:11:46 pm »

repost from elsewhere, from the "household tips" thread

the goblin wanted to join in again, and apologized for his last one about computers harddrive data recuperation, and agreed to try for something more in tune with most readers on this forum he fell, saying "...look, just don't throw away those used 78 gramophone needles each time, for if you have have enough of them, you can always sprinkle them around the base of your hydrangeas and the iron in them with be absorbed by the plant turning the flower blue here, then you'll be the envy of the neighbourhood..."


"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #160 on: November 20, 2010, 11:49:25 pm »

how cute!!!!!

I look normal, as I have an "Invisible Illness". You can not catch it, you can not see it. It's called Lupus.My body is attacking itself on the inside.
www.LupusMCTD.com Represents:
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« Reply #161 on: November 21, 2010, 12:17:05 am »

("...so had did the film promotion go then..." asked the goblin now)

repost from elsewhere

"The media think that they're God. They make people believe in what they want them to believe. They're think they're more powerful then any holy man trying to spread his message to his fellows. For example the campaign adds they show. You don't know what to believe but they want you to believe everything."

"...love this thread..." went the goblin again thinking of something, explaining "...when some economic system fails, it is followed by a reign of terror where not only are resources confiscated but also knowledge is either suppressed or discarded, so it's only in those places with enough self-sufficiency and willpower that gain their actual independence but even there too, knowledge is a premium, for look at the fall of rome followed by the dark ages for example and just how grass root the regions sank to without knowledge, a few generations later they were unable to build even a three story building, where all that lost knowledge, on law, medicine, architecture, warfare, and the like, took a thousand years from ad 410 to the 15th century, to return via italy from the muslim world in the form of the renaissance...", simply if "knowledge is power" then its suppression, extinction, or replacement by something less powerful is a clear goal here that "the powers that be" can ill afford to overlook now, concluding "...today for example, from the media it's all either "news without views" or "views without news" resulting in either "ones not fully knowing about events" or "ones not fully understanding them", where simply the only thing one clearly understands, from what they cover on the news now that is, is that it's probably something else that they are covering up by it..."

« Last Edit: November 21, 2010, 12:19:18 am by fleamailman » Logged

"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #162 on: November 21, 2010, 12:20:14 am »

repost from elsewhere

"...ah now, I do both, I wing a reply in brackets first and then polish it into something better later..." replied the goblin knowing that something worth reading twice was worth writing twice, adding "...truth is that forums are slowly becoming somewhere to read the posters now, that's why I know too, that if my persona becomes known on forumland, then my readership, which doubles as my feeding pool too, will grow with it, and yet each reader is not some docile book-reader, no they're active posters in their own right now, turning this into modern day correspondence perhaps, where books, for their lack of this interaction then, are like watching intense films, where this is far more like open theater here..", and then the goblin laughed, continuing "...alright, punch and judy perhaps, but still "live" so to speak, and such fun too..."


"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #163 on: November 28, 2010, 08:15:59 am »

repost from elsewhere, posting compared to book writing

"...ah but can one ever post back to a written book I wonder..."
Perhaps not directly, but ideas are born from what is read, and the reader can go on and write their own story or poem, or even blog, with a thought created by a single phrase. In a sense, it's a response, maybe not direct, but still a response.

"...that response is quite optional though, simply it can inspire one to react, yes, and yet that reaction is not necessarily noted down nor expected by others here, but posting is a different kettle of fish in me..." the goblin stopped for the words, then continued "...in that it shares the same constant "sense of audience" and self expectation yet is coupled with a need to respond directly on a daily basis, simply it creates a compilation of posts but, perhaps like these posts do, it creates the "precise ready man" if one were to think on lord chesterfield's famous line "reading makes a full man, conversation makes a ready man, but writing makes an exact man" for posting in my view is simply a written conversation here where one is waiting upon the reader to post something back, it's written rapport..."


"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #164 on: November 28, 2010, 08:18:13 am »

repost from elsewhere, a writer's site

"...just that the internet is this great leveler then..." mused the goblin now, not really wishing to hijack the thread here, but even so, he noted that anyone of any age, facing any hardship, or deprivation too, could post on in defiance of it then, so he simply repeated something, saying "...oh yes, in dailylife one is whatever, ah but not here then, not now either, ah no, for here on this forumland one is what one makes of oneself, and if I ever wanted to give a writer some gift it would be this simple understanding then, that "as in books, so on threads too, same pact with the muse and same journey to self here"..."


"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #165 on: November 28, 2010, 08:20:09 am »

repost from elsewhere

I'm still here please send what I won.

"...ok I'll post it to you in appreciation of your unflinching audacity mortal..." replied the goblin, adding "...no, better still, I'll post it here for you even...", and yet, the goblin somehow guessed that what most posters really wanted to see was not anything that the goblin wrote, so much as what they had written themselves, or thought perhaps, in reply to a post that had provoked some reflection within them, adding "...for my role is to turn sheep into wolves here, but that doesn't equate to happiness at all, no, life is a slaughter house of sorts, it's just that the sheep don't have the capacity to see beyond their dailylife here, they accept their boundaries because society dictates its values to them, where the only difference is that the wolf hides itself amongst the sheep but its hard won thoughts are its own now..."


"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #166 on: December 02, 2010, 12:45:32 am »

repost from elsewhere

I know I have a touch of dylexia, my wife will say turn right and I turn left, she says turn left and I turn right. I told her to start pointing and it works a lot better.

"...reminds me of americans tourist asking the swiss police for directions again..." mentioned the goblin, adding "...oh no, the police are very polite and helpful, only that regardless of whichever destination one actually asks for they invariably send one to mcdonalds..."


"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #167 on: December 02, 2010, 12:47:04 am »

repost from elsewhere

“...it's funny...” started the goblin now, continuing “...in visiting somewhere new I always like seeing if I can orientate myself without falling back on some roadmap...” in fact, the goblin was thinking upon his life now, where there too, he wanted to know if he could reach journey's end by himself, saying “...now if I followed the good book, sure I'd get to that final destination with flying colors perhaps, like some saint even, but then what would I actually know about myself beyond my ability to blindly follow street directions here, so no, at each crossroads in my life it has to be my own decision reached at from my own reasoning, for the results show me to myself do they not, and this was me then...”


"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #168 on: December 02, 2010, 12:48:08 am »

repost from elsewhere

“...what a dilemma it is then, that this interference with the laws of natural selection results in some unnatural selection here...” mused the goblin now, adding “...simply, within society today we both “allow to live” and “keep alive” those who shouldn't be so...”, not that the goblin was into eugenics, no only that medicine tampered with the laws of natural selection to the point where the resulting humans had perpetuating defects, where prenatal births, deformities, weakened immunities, feeble mindedness and the like could all be attributed to this one human indulgence here, yet without this indulgence misery resulted, so the goblin simply sighed “...it's an easy choice until it's someone one loves now...”



"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #169 on: December 02, 2010, 08:16:58 pm »

 tost Cheers! Sorry I'm MIA.. been busy with holidays and Lupus Poofus awareness...
I hope you are doing well.

I look normal, as I have an "Invisible Illness". You can not catch it, you can not see it. It's called Lupus.My body is attacking itself on the inside.
www.LupusMCTD.com Represents:
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« Reply #170 on: December 03, 2010, 12:30:19 am »

("...writingwise, I am going from strength to strength in an anonymous way..." replied the goblin, adding "...glad to see that you are not giving up on your forum then...")

repost from elsewhere

I don't think you qualify as a troll here. You have joined in on other discussions as well as keeping this thread going. You are as much a member of this forum as any other member. Of course, we could all be trolls.

"...I read every new post on this forum now, and often I find myself actually replying to someones thread only to not hit the post button at the end of it, shadow posting perhaps..." replied the goblin as if knowing that something worth posting had to be worth reposting too, adding "...the benchmark for me is "is this me" then, where simply time is immaterial...", for years later the goblin could still be editing a post he had originally done on some now long gone forum, so perhaps an essence of him remained in what he created then, and perhaps too this was his escape as he saw it


"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #171 on: December 03, 2010, 12:32:05 am »

repost from elsewhere

"...so they have just sunk the oil out of sight leaving it both for nature and for future generations to deal with it, where both the media blackout and the  noflyover zone are just their way of saying that they have washed their hands of it here..." mentioned the goblin, continuing "...yet some things won't wash, and if previous cases are anything to go by here, decades of polluted beaches will be their legacy now..."


"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #172 on: December 06, 2010, 02:14:12 am »

repost from elsewhere

"...I suppose the question is really whether one can become known by ones posts alone..." replied the goblin now, adding "...perhaps, perhaps not, does it matter even, for I'll still have this "journey to self" to fall back on, but you and I are here because we want to feed on content in a live context, so ask me what I read and my answer is "why you of course", and ask anyone out there what they want to read and they'll reply "why great posts of course" but don't I already know that you are reading this here where my goal is just to get more of you to do so now, simply I am the creature that you have created with your replies now, for I am a livewriter who feeds on forumland..."

« Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 02:16:37 am by fleamailman » Logged

"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #173 on: December 06, 2010, 02:20:22 am »

repost from elsewhere, the  "promotion requires promotion requires promotion" thread

"...really, I don't have to promote anything at all..." ventured the goblin now, adding "...but I do have to find those forums that can advance my writing on, where more and more readers are turning up on this forumland now, for I would have thought that once one is widely known across forumland for interesting posts, then ones readership-base was secure, moreover, if one knows the direction the wind is blowing in, if you yourselves, along with everyone else in this busy internet age, are reading less books than before, then wouldn't it be wise to adjust to here then, rather than trying to call readers away towards your stuff by way of links and promotions...", in fact, the goblin never forgot when xxxxx posted somewhere "why are you just reading, you're writers, write something" for actually it was true, adding "...ah, but don't expect the reader to go to your blog, no your blog has to come to the reader here, conquer forumland is all I am suggesting, where the rest becomes plain sailing then, yet the days of sail are always numbered..."


"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #174 on: December 29, 2010, 12:43:49 pm »

repost from elsewhere

FleaMM ... you feeling underappreciated ?.... uninspired ? .... or just trolling

"....ah now, being appreciated by others is often at loggerheads with being inspired by oneself, hence this compromise of trolling now..." replied the goblin who quickly apologized for his strange lapses into intellectualism at times, saying "...my fault I suppose, I mean I want to write like everyone else does, it's just that thinking somehow gets in the way..."


"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #175 on: December 29, 2010, 12:46:17 pm »

repost from elsewhere

"...live and let live then, but perhaps the only reason why those people come here trying to flog their books without contributing anything in return, besides the obvious financial interest to do so, is because they don't see forumland for what it really is, as a place to write in..." mentioned the goblin across so many forums now, explaining "...ask yourself something then, if someones book is as interesting as they claim it to be, then wouldn't that fact by reflected in their posts too...", in fact, to the goblin it was almost as if the opposite was true here, that those who didn't think of themselves as writers often made better posts, where the writers for their part just seemed like so many bumper-stickers reading "my other stuff is a ferrari", for surely wouldn't anyone reading the plug for some book first look at the posts of that writer to see how he or she wrote, and if those posts were non existent, or without flair, well then didn't one already know, by what one saw in those posts that is, all that one would really need to know now, "...for as in books, so in posts too..." uttered the goblin again


"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #176 on: January 12, 2011, 07:11:35 am »

repost from elsewhere

"...well I enjoy reading your posts then, as I do everyones posts now, moreover there is something in this interaction with other posters here that has me exacting my posts to myself each time, where I think the real point of livewriting is just collecting of ones posts into something of oneself then, where perhaps too, it's a modern day equivalent of correspondence by letter writing save that the originals are both aired, edited and stored by the the sender now..." mentioned the goblin whose collection of his own posts was somewhat extensive, concluding "...so posts are born of posts, thoughts of thoughts too, yet none of this occurs in a vacuum here, for it needs to be fed by those who are game to it, where the rest is fate perhaps..."


"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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« Reply #177 on: January 12, 2011, 07:14:32 am »

repost from elsewhere

I am so sorry. Where were you banned from?

"...well, by now the list is rather extensive..." mused the goblin somewhat practiced at it, explaining "...you see, joining some forum out of the blue is a bit like turning up at some venue and seeing whether ones act "steals the show" or "lands one on ones ear", where the outcome can go either way, resembling an interview in a way, in that one has to be polite, friendly, and ready with ones replies too, and yet one also has to remain true to ones views and beliefs here...", in fact, the goblin took the outcome in his stride each time, where conversely understanding that "to be universally accepted probably meant that one didn't stand for anything now", and therefore failing at times was acceptable where it was not ones actual goal then to do so


"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
"Pay It Forward" ஐﻬ
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« Reply #178 on: January 12, 2011, 10:08:44 am »

 smitten bflybouncy  HAPPY NEW YEAR Flea-mailman!!!   bflybouncy bflydance

I look normal, as I have an "Invisible Illness". You can not catch it, you can not see it. It's called Lupus.My body is attacking itself on the inside.
www.LupusMCTD.com Represents:
1) We are patients helping researchers build a future for the lives of others...
2) Where HOPE is a WORK In Progress
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« Reply #179 on: January 18, 2011, 11:04:09 am »

repost from elsewhere,  the goblin up against writers now

"...o how I am enjoying this thread for its comments now, so just let this thread's hitcount reflect what I mean then, even if those ploys of "publications elsewhere" and "that's alright for some forum chat room", and "cream rises to the surface" does seem to reflect a somewhat belittling attitude towards posting on forumland that is in utter opposition to mine then..." mentioned the goblin who felt that forumland, with its ever growing number of readers, to be so much more important than all that declining elsewhere now, adding "...look, what I read of you is in your posts alone, no book published elsewhere will make up for it now, sorry then but the emperor wears no clothes if he thinks something other than what he actually posts can cut ice with readers here, where those readers, in hitting on your thread, produce a hitcount of just how readable you are, so why complicate it with conjecture or airs now, first get the hitcount to your whatever then we can talk about it..."


"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
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LupusMCTD Founder & Patient
Former Domestic Violence SURVIVOR
Kathy A. Patterson

Author of the Upcoming Memoir Book:
"Fighting From The Inside Out"..
A lupus patient fights the beast within her immune system and the beast at home....

e-Booklet filled with photos and videos of what abuse was, signs to look for,
where to turn to for help, and much more to help others like me...

For more information
Call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1−800−799−SAFE(7233)

"The Meaning of the Words in the Second Amendment .... "That the people have a right to freedom of speech, and of writing, and publishing their sentiments;"

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