« Reply #360 on: September 17, 2013, 12:35:46 pm » |
repost from elsewhere "...so greece now receives a bailout of 80billion dollars form the IMF, and yet it's deficit of 150% to GDP is about 1.5 trillion dollars here, meaning that that 80billion only pays the interest due on ongoing debt..." mentioned the goblin again noting that nothing has actually been solved by it, everything is merely shelved till later, so this then is our debt crisis in action, simply time and time again some deferment is given out to be an actual solution where in reality it is but a stop gap measure here, adding "...think of the titanic then, yes europe might look like the upper deck here, but in reality those debts are flooding in on all levels, with an america that can't contain its federal reserve from all that financial expediency together with a europe on the never never now, yes it's just a ship of fools if ever there was one on an ocean of debt..."  165 360 74716
« Last Edit: September 17, 2013, 12:36:51 pm by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #361 on: September 17, 2013, 12:38:32 pm » |
repost from elsewhere, the "introduction section" on a writer's forum "...well, there you have it then slot..." went the goblin now, continuing "...ample proof that the first sign of madness most probably isn't so much talking to oneself, but addressing another facet of one's personality in a portrayed character here, and then from there inventing yet another character to reply to it now...", whereupon the slot opened its mouth wide in a very "continue goblin, I'm hungry" stance, not really caring what the goblin was talking about just so long as it was edible, so the goblin just continued "...yes slot, jolly good thing that the printing press was invented in my view and that the general level of literacy amongst humans increased from there, I mean, prior to that, most writers were just thought possessed, something resulting in a good bonfire like joan of arc received, which admittedly is overkill in most people's books even if it kept their numbers down...", "...yes goblin, I see your point I suppose but look what happens when we let those writetypes actually delve into their writing, I mean do you think there really are enough writer's forums..., ..." somehow the slot had stopped in mid track, bulking even at thinking upon the notion of some writer's-asylum here, but then finding the strength within to continue, saying "...no, I mean enough places on forumland able to coop with this added influx now, I mean if everyone then turned into writers, there would be no one normal left talk to now, the place would be awash with multi-personality disfunctionals instead...", which was why their eyes then turned towards the new member xxxxx here, perhaps he was still normal now, their hopes were high indeed as they welcomed him hither  165
« Last Edit: September 25, 2013, 07:27:18 am by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #362 on: September 25, 2013, 04:59:10 am » |
repost from elsewhere "...well now, life is always readying one's replies isn't it..." and, upon voicing that line to himself once more, the goblin was back where he had first heard its conjecture there, just sat in front of a grumpy middle aged man in a smoky candlelit coffeeshop, one who refuted everything with everyone, admittedly all in a class of his own but well hated for it too, simply a philosophertype who kind of left one in no doubt in one's mind as to why one should give socratics another chalice of hemlock, where the goblin hated the old man too, for his saying "...forget it, look at yourself now, what would you at your tender age possibly know about anything, nothing, whereas me, I just ready my replies because it returns, it all returns eventually, and if something doesn't return, what of it, one still knows the reply for oneself now, so that's your life for you now, it's just readying regardless of outcome here...", perhaps the best lessons are those one hates most for their being not easily forgotten, "...yes, and you still know nothing, don't you goblin..." went the voice in the background once more, "...perhaps it was all nothing anyway..." replied the goblin to that ghost now 165 362posts 75255hits
« Last Edit: September 25, 2013, 07:17:29 am by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #363 on: September 25, 2013, 05:35:23 am » |
repost from elsewhere, in praise of here then the goblin, who had been told to post on other threads in this section or else, now posted to this thread relating "...some folks are putting out that xxxxxforum is dying, but I wonder if that is true, I mean it's clearly not the number of posters in itself, but what those members are actually posting, that results in readership, where for example here is a link to a forum that is quite dead but where I refuse to let its death be, so if one sole poster can build up a readership of 200hits a post upon a forum that no longer has any other members to it, then doesn't that alone kind of cut all that "xxxxxforum is dying" conjecture quite in its bud now...", at which point the goblin linked the forum to prove his point, adding "... a creature who only has one bolt-hole to bolt to is soon caught hence the need to repost one's posts across forumland in some air/edit/backup manner..." http://www.lupusmctd.com/index.php?topic=5101.msg25427#msg25427
« Last Edit: September 25, 2013, 07:28:53 am by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #364 on: September 26, 2013, 02:55:06 am » |
repost from elsewhere "...it's just a paradox then..." went the goblin thinking upon it now, relating "...in that if one explains something as obvious as one's overall readership will grow by incorporating one's writing style directly into one's posts it will either ruffle the feathers of those who didn't accept that fact as yet, or further alienate those who wish not to be reminded of the fact anyway, whereas if one keeps one's mouth shut posting on like this, up goes the readership anyway, thus proving one's point all along without much effort on one's part, so I think I'll go easy on explaining what I do for just doing it then, letting the reader see the result for themselves then..."  165 364 75312
« Last Edit: September 26, 2013, 02:55:48 am by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #365 on: September 30, 2013, 02:01:44 am » |
repost from elsewhere then suddenly in an expected moment the goblin simply turned to the captain and asked "...say what, can I marry you...", "...well you already did that goblin..." she replied breaking into a smile at the absurdity of it, whereupon the goblin added "...oh, I did, really, gosh how wise of me too...", and with that it just became another something between them, something that the goblin never quite forget nor mentioned again either knowing that would lose its value if he ever did, and yet, upon reaching journey's end he felt he might just risk asking it one last time, hoping that she would smile as she once had, yes that would be something  165 365 75796
« Last Edit: September 30, 2013, 02:02:46 am by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #366 on: October 06, 2013, 04:39:18 pm » |
repost from elsewhere, the goblin declining a writer who asked the goblin to critic his work "...think of it this way then, if you actually like what you have written then doesn't it become good regardless, whereas if you don't like that which you have written then no matter how good others might think it is, however correctly it's written too, it's actually bad if simply because it's fake and not really you by it, where also if I were to correct you now, then by each correction you would lose a part of your individuality to me by it, so it's this very process of cloning by correction that I hate so much upon writer's forums and in dailylife writer's workshops..." replied the goblin wondering if he could put it another way then, restarting "...think of painting then, each artist borrows something either from his predecessors or from a certain school of painting, but at some point he knows he has to break away from that crowd and the norm, for simply think upon those artists whom we most remember today, well, the all followed the rules at first and from there they branched off on their own, meaning that my critic acts like a slow cloning poison to you, so instead of correcting you I give you a real sense of audience on this thread, plus a feeling of deadline too, so that you can post with me anytime, where to post is to publish in its way, but more importantly than that, your readers will get into a rapport with their author that only these post on forums can offer..."  165 366 76829
« Last Edit: October 06, 2013, 04:40:13 pm by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #367 on: October 09, 2013, 12:05:02 am » |
repost from elsewhere, the "please critic my work" thread "...often it's hard to critic anything when one doesn't know who the intended audience is..." mentioned the goblin, adding "...besides, that truth is that it doesn't matter how one writes something because the reader, if enthralled, will quickly grow accustomed to any writing style as long as it remains constant throughout, very much like when one first hears some scotish accent for example, where invariably, one looks at to the sky half expecting god himself to scoop up a bucket-load of kippers to rain down upon one in some heavenly cascade, and where too, after a while one doesn't even notice it, no simply one gets used to the whole deluge of it instead..."  166 367 77497
« Last Edit: October 09, 2013, 12:05:52 am by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #368 on: October 09, 2013, 12:08:29 am » |
repost from elsewhere, the "introduction" section there "...welcome to this forum then..." went the goblin always enjoying meeting humans, before dashing off on his own tangent, saying "...so I wonder if it's really true what they say about forum readership as something growing apace now, where if it is so, then probably it'll be upon these writer's forums that forum readership will actually expand from, ah but by then one will have to carefully figure out one's persona, for regardless of what they say, always a persona results from whatever one's posts of oneself here, where for example readers are finicky about long posts, just as they soon see through anyone trying to substitute what one reads here for whatever they've written elsewhere, no, simply we're these posts to our readers now, much like we are these posts to one another too, and to ourselves even, so what say you to making each of your posts a worthy ambassador of you, a post of a real writer then, where I'll become your avid albeit not so quiet reader if you do...", in fact, that goblin was out to become a livewriter much like those he had admired before, where in livewriting one didn't need the props of publishing, no, simply one built up one's readership around one's username like someone singing from the treetops of forumland drawing one's readers to one's pen  166 2476 22461
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #369 on: October 15, 2013, 03:40:42 pm » |
repost from "introductions" sections, the "from incredible india" thread Just wanted to say a big "hi" to everyone here "...you're most welcome to here then..." replied the goblin not knowing if they actually had goblins in india, though he wouldn't be a bit surprised if they did, mind you too, what with so much on this forumland differing form its real life counterpart anyway, nothing seemed beyond imagination now, continuing "...look, I really don't want you to put off by admitting that there are writertypes on this forum now, no there are but it's nothing to worry about, promise, you just have to stay calm and imagine what you would do if you ever came across a three toed sloth sitting on your chair slowing typing away at your keyboard, drinking your coffee too, yes that's right, you simply ring up the RSPCW for it's safe removal now, well that's what they're there for I am told...", in fact, the goblin imagined too, that, what with evident ongoing loss of their natural publishing habitat, three toed sloths, potted plants, and other sorts of writertypes too, would increasingly been seen wandering into forumland now, whereupon the goblin explained "...just it seems more humane to have them neatly tucked away in the writer's section of this forum then actually shooting them outright..."  166 369 78564
« Last Edit: October 15, 2013, 03:41:40 pm by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #370 on: November 08, 2013, 12:01:23 am » |
repost from elsewhere “...in its way the capitalist system within each country becomes a sort of direct democracy now, where investors simply vote by way of their investments as in a vote of “confidence” or “no confidence” perhaps...” mentioned the goblin, seeing that it was not what the european governments could actually promise each other, nor implement by way of austerity programs either, that changed anything much, no, instead much boiled down to whether investors could still be persuaded to keep their investment in something that looked increasingly like a ship badly listing on a sea of inflationary debt and uncertainty, so the goblin simply asked the readers here, to imagine themselves as the investors now, and to see whether they would still invest their savings in these european countries, or america for that matter, saying “...well then, if your answer in either case is one of “no” or even “no way” then can one really blame the investors scrambling out of the market at this point...” simply, the goblin felt that the game was up, that neither governments, nor banks, nor even ourdearmedia could kept humpty dumpty economy from falling now...”  167 370 81534
« Last Edit: November 08, 2013, 12:02:18 am by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #371 on: November 08, 2013, 12:07:40 am » |
repost from elsewhere The goblin really should be looking over his shoulder...shopping migration ? really? Seems to me, your obvious talent is writing fantasy .....And you are really good!!! "...ah no, once you have been thoroughly stomped upon by a brood of marauding mummies who have mistaken you for terry wogan on their way to shoe shop once more, you will learn that fantasy, this forumland then, is a very serious business indeed..." mentioned the goblin now, adding "...no, either one takes out "mommy insurance", or one blends into the scenery, or one distracts them with lines like and then he took her in to his arms, yes it had been those shoes all along, as slowly he bent down and unfasten each delicate fascinating feminine shoe-buckle knowing that his emotion was about to cave in against a inner crescendo of wild torrential passion for her, just here so alone together and now too, while walking backwards gently retracing one's steps till the moment one could actually dash off...", yes, the goblin had been on "women's interest forums" before, where indeed they were very avid grazers of posts and little escaped their attention too, just that one had to become very agile amongst them  167
« Last Edit: November 08, 2013, 12:09:41 am by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #372 on: November 20, 2013, 04:40:42 am » |
repost from elsewhere, the writer's forum, goblin doing a welcome "...ah, I like your writing style already human, much originality it seems, so welcome to our forum/venue here..." went the goblin looking forward to yet more to read perhaps, adding "...you see, at first, everybody wants to practice their writing here for that publishing elsewhere, until slowly they see that it's actually here in fact that everyone else is turning up to read their works directly, so the username becomes synonymous with authorname where each post one does becomes yet another work by you to those readers, save that there aren't any those reader here, no, they're all these readers now as in us perhaps...", merely the goblin imagined that more and more readers are coming to this forum to follow their preferred author or build up some rapport with them now, adding "...so no, this isn't some bootcamp forum to practice ever so correct writing niceties for that publishing elsewhere, far from it, it's the battlefield itself, so good luck with your posts now as your readers surround you here where you are very much these posts to them..."  167 372 83005
« Last Edit: November 20, 2013, 04:41:59 am by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #373 on: November 20, 2013, 04:44:20 am » |
repost from "trumping the writer stereotype" thread here, finished I've worked with a lot of writers, and the one thing they all have in common is that they're nothing like that. 99.9% of writers are ordinary people. 0.1% make headlines. the goblin agreed since he imagined that both psychopaths and schizophrenics shared that same normalness with the writertypes here, where to all intents and purposes, indeed they looked and acted quite normally, and yet, under certain circumstances their true nature would suddenly burst through resulting in dead bodies and inexplicable behavior in the former, and write-ups about dead bodies and inexplicable behavior in the latter, yes those thrillers and mystery novels then, in fact, the goblin often had difficulty trying to picture what was the norm amongst humans anyway, saying "... somehow the more normal it gets the more surreal it becomes..."  167
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #374 on: November 26, 2013, 07:25:41 am » |
repost from elsewhere, the "introductions" here, where someone whose post had held the goblin to her penmanship "...welcome to one of the best forum/venues on forumland then..." went the goblin weighing his words slightly, knowing that something misunderstood was often worse than actual silence, whereupon the goblin carefully continued his conjecture, saying "...isn't the nature of writing changing, where the readers of books are increasingly seeking out their authors on forumland, something more as a challenge than threat, and where many an author might have to hem their posts away from that mindset of serious bookwriting against frivolous posting, simply the forum/venue becomes a back stage-door to the author here, where the gap, between the author himself, his works, and the readers around him, is gone with rapport between us...", whereupon the goblin, checked the number of lines to keep the post as concise to the eye as possible, and then finally said "...my bet is that a livewriter can journey across forumland in an amazing adventure, using each forum as his venue then, well I felt that you could be one of them, thus I welcomed you here, and yet perhaps too, a livewriter is just one poster amongst the many amongst the millions out there, I mean that the odds against one succeeding on forumland are so wondrous that they alone make this challenge somehow all the more worth it..."  168 374 83879
« Last Edit: November 26, 2013, 07:26:40 am by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #375 on: November 26, 2013, 07:31:13 am » |
repost from elsewhere, the goblin had mentioned his like for the gnostic gospels, finished hi there.. what is it that you like about it. I don't know it...must look it up "...ah now, that might get me in hot water for my heresy here..." replied the goblin, adding "...but it turns life into a journey to self within one rather than all that external go to church, pay your tithes, and blindly follow cause he says so...", as the goblin then remembered the line If you bring forth what is within you, what you have will save you, whereas if you do not have that within you, then what you do not have within you will destroy you, whereupon the goblin just added "...so I always harp on about the difference between me and my dailylife in my posts but that's simply because I know that it is within me still, where the romans would have me build a church or something, and o how they must have hated the gnostics then, for what need have gnostics on a journey to self for that which they leave behind them..." the gospel of thomas 
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #376 on: December 05, 2013, 01:35:23 am » |
repost from elsewhere "...ah but no one actually dies on forumland, only that they stop posting..." mentioned the goblin, while outside the bistro the evening's snow had continued since morning-time as a blanket of white firmly besieged the village of chamonix, where naturally the biggest fear, written upon everyone's minds, was at what point would all this snow conjure up that christmas carol music, yes, even one false thought or innocent recollection and the scene would be awash with bing crosby singing "I'm squatting in your brain mortals", the goblin vetted his thoughts carefully now, saying "...it's the time of year that we all live in fear of our sanity going christmushy...", and yes, somewhere out there too, in the looming darkness now, cunning santa was once more beginning to turn those humans into christmas zombies where his subtle extraction of their brains continued apace, unnoticed perhaps but more likely unmissed now  175 376 84842
« Last Edit: December 05, 2013, 01:36:22 am by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #377 on: December 05, 2013, 01:39:07 am » |
repost from elsewhere “...odd isn't it...” started the goblin going through the list in his mind once more, continuing “...so, the spanish empire, for all its new world silver, still ended up spent and listless by the end of that long dutch war of independence, and where too, the french royal empire had emptied its coffers by supporting the colonist's in their war of independence, and yet again when the european empires became totally indebted during the first world war, and when the soviet block too fell apart both penniless and spent after afghanistan, and now finally it's america turn after iraq now, where seems enslaved by a financial usurpation from within and a humbug of own self serving rhetoric...” mentioned the goblin not proposing for a moment that any of these bankruptcies, nor these bottomless debts, nor wars either, actually ended the empire outright, no, more simply that they underscored their end of prominence here, their lack of any real motivation, and that they were all but discredited, concluding “...well, in the end it's probably this same discredification of the old way/s, and slide from prominence too, that bodes ill for all those if any who would dream of some “new world order” for mankind here, where each empire in its turn had been like some great tower of babel, one that had simply collapsed under its own discredited weight...” 
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #378 on: December 14, 2013, 05:21:30 am » |
repost from elsewhere "...agreed, sometimes some handicap turns out to be a blessing in disguise..." replied the goblin whose dyslexia had forced him from an early point to edit his posts, saying "...funny how it's not the exponents of something who then go on to be remembered by everyone else, not the perfected painters/writers/poets/musicians/etc, no, it's the pioneers of imperfection, those who rebels against the set schools of painting/writing/poetry/music/etc who are actually remembered, simply one learns the rules studiously until the moment one is ready to break away from them in one's own way, yet break away one must if one is to be original here..."  170 378 86181
« Last Edit: December 14, 2013, 05:22:33 am by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #379 on: December 14, 2013, 05:25:20 am » |
repost from "introduction" thread, where the posters had started talking about marmite instead and with that the goblin had somehow guessed that by now that everyone had forgotten that this was in fact xxxxx's introduction here, saying "...welcome then, look, I'm awfully sorry about the others here, no, they mean well I'm sure, only that they're writertypes, where I suspect the writertype too needs to be introduced to you newbies here, well then, a writertype is rather like a troll, save that the big difference between him and a troll is that the troll actually knows he's a troll, whereas the writertype has yet to stumble upon that self-realization, resulting in his invariably going off on long tangent called a soliloquy, leaving the rest of humanity, moreover other creatures too, completely amazed that anyone can write this much, and worse, that others, perhaps to their better judgement even, actually read this far too, where of course you're thinking that there must be something wrong with the reader now, and where probably you're asking yourself too, why o why has no one ever come up with a sign marked don't feed the writertypes...", "...well perhaps goblin, that's because those writertypes know how to feed themselves by now..." went the muted chorus in the background  170
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #380 on: December 14, 2013, 05:28:10 am » |
repost from elsewhere, the "how old are you" thread "...well now, I seem to remember that I was much older before..." mentioned the goblin casually enough, continuing "...but that was when I was trying to write perfectly, and carrying the weight of my years around my neck too, so I just dropped it understanding that all this was just a virtual reality anyway, and what's another name for virtual reality humans, yes you've guessed it right, fiction, it's all fiction across forumland, where in fact all that is ever here are just these words upon your screen, something that you then interpret into a reality of me, but nothing we can say to each other can prove it now, for in truth we're just anonymous...", simply the goblin was pointing out that the choice concerning one's persona on forumland was ever one of an aging wendy or of an ageless peter pan, smiling "...so why have that which one can't prove, ah no, no dailylife mask here please, for who needs those unprovables upon forumland anyway..."  171
« Last Edit: December 14, 2013, 05:32:53 am by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #381 on: January 03, 2014, 06:07:17 am » |
repost from elsewhere, goblin welcoming then and with that the goblin showed, saying "...funny how life is built upon a mere assumption of certainty here, where the future was not promised and where one's past has slipped away, but a writer lives a shared life between his muse within and the dailylife without, in fact it's odd how anyone could ever wish to become a writer, I mean it's a practice of schizophrenia if ever there was one, where perhaps somewhere too, written in the small print on the label, it's just marked warning, your muse does not got back into her bottle, when the young would dream of fame and fortune here, and just receive a journey to self instead, and while although not exactly short-changed by that either, for sure it isn't what they bargained for now...", whereupon the goblin just laughed at himself, smiling "...xxxxx, you'll post with me awhile won't you, you have more talent than you give yourself credit for...", and with that the goblin, somewhat fed up with rolling out that same old red carpet each time, was thinking perhaps that the time of year called for a white carpet wasinstead, even if the welcome was just the same by it, somehow it just seemed more appropriate to the occasion  171 381 88006
« Last Edit: January 03, 2014, 06:08:18 am by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #382 on: January 03, 2014, 06:09:38 am » |
repost from "happy new year" thread here "...naah MYAHAHAHAHA, I'm not wishing you happy new year humans, I'm going to wish you a whooping great hangover for new year's day instead..." went the goblin, explaining "...or just wishing you some reckless youthful recollection of when you once had a whooping great hangover for new year's day that is, and weren't they worth it at the time, even if you don't actually remember what you did nor how you got there now..."  171
« Last Edit: January 03, 2014, 06:14:32 am by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #383 on: January 07, 2014, 04:33:33 am » |
repost from elsewhere “....so the federal reserve, which isn't even american then, agrees to buy the toxic debts of the banks on condition that the banks in return then buy back the same amount in treasury bonds, a simple swap it sounds, well not quite is it...” mused the goblin seeing this repackaging of a debt under a different name meant that instead of the banks defaulting through their own debts now, it would be america who either defaults or devalues in their place, so the goblin just sighed “...war is on the cards, and who wants war, no one I guess, and yet how else can these powers that be hide this theft without such an intense distraction here, where who actually wins doesn't matter as the banks always hedge their bets by lending to both sides, and where whoever gets killed in throwing the dice of war is not really their their concern neither as their goal is to control the state by controlling its finances, the age of bank control was just de factto now, meaning that the sovereign state was what then, and meant what exactly, where and when just a handful of banks controlled the finances within the system of that state today...”  171 383 88641
« Last Edit: January 07, 2014, 04:34:51 am by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #384 on: January 07, 2014, 04:53:35 am » |
repost from elsewhere Hey, fleamailman, I have a question for you. How much time did you invest in this thread? "...very little..." replied the goblin, explaining "...the reposts are simply air/edit/backup now, where each time I repost something it gets feedback, while I get to edit it too, and where it becomes a backup should something happen to the original...", yet nothing actually mattered by it, in that he was anonymous and had been banned and so many times with his threads/posts had been erased too, that he had arrived at an understanding now, a madness perhaps, that it was not so much what resulted form posting as gaining the ability to do post in itself that counted, saying "...think of this as the reader seeing the footprints of a creature that the author sees, the author writes hoping that his pen will capture the contours of the creature knowing that the creature is never caught by it, just it's that practice of capturing that the author is trying to perfect within himself each time...", and that was all it ever was he supposed, yet that all was everything too  172
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #385 on: January 19, 2014, 03:33:28 pm » |
repost from elsewhere, another welcome on a writer's forum "...welcome to here then..." went the goblin feeling that a slight explanation of what xxxxx was doing here, might help others equally afflicted by writing, or those unafflicted as the case may be, to better understand writing and moreover what writers are actually going through, explaining "...well, at its simplest, there's a fungus in south america which turns a normal ant into a zombie ant, where for example instead of that ant doing whatever normal ants do, the infected zombie ant becomes different and then starts of feel the need to climb up the stork to a leaf where at its top it bites the stork fixing itself tightly till finally that which was in its mind makes its way out into the air...", meaning perhaps too, that the writer in his turn increasingly feels the need to fix himself to the chair till finally he too releases that which was in his mind out onto the ether here, where others then become infected by it...", in fact, the goblin understood it all too clearly but he couldn't actually stop himself now, saying "... I suppose the real question is which ant one is where the end for both ants is the same...", and with that the goblin called for the forum doors to be flung wide open to allow yet one more abide within it recesses, saying "...now you will stay for tea won't you, for all are welcome here where we do so lavish much attention on those we find interesting..."  172 385 89206
« Last Edit: January 19, 2014, 03:34:44 pm by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #386 on: January 26, 2014, 06:46:59 am » |
repost from elsewhere, another welcome on a writer's forum "...welcome to xxxxx..." went the goblin quickly adding "...look, please don't worry that there are writertypes on this forum amongst the normal posters here, no they mean well I'm sure just that at times it all goes hideously wrong as they then lapse in those soliloquies like someone who gets an elliptic fit where everyone else pretends not to notice while the post gets ever longer, where in fact most people are thinking "oh gosh no help, this has to be a writertype so what do I do now, I mean what would president obama do in my place then, should I call those homeland security people about it for a possible surgical strike with an unmanned drone even"...", in fact, the goblin might have exaggerated the situation somewhat, yet he didn't want miles.traiser to be caught unaware of the danger, as lapsing into writing was both sudden and could happen even to the best of people, not only those here now  172 386 90018
« Last Edit: January 26, 2014, 06:49:31 am by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #387 on: January 26, 2014, 07:11:45 am » |
repost from elsewhere, goblin doing the welcome and with that the goblin showed and quickly felt that now was his chance to show the others here that goblins too, can do welcomes when pushed, whereupon the goblin hailed the young girl, saying "...welcome xxxxx, my pen is at your pleasure now, so allow me to befriend you here...", whereupon the goblin dipped his hand into his pocket and pulled out a red carpet with side railings, snapping paparazzi and all leading up to a black limousine whose awaiting door had been opened by the very man of her dreams himself who held out a diamond engagement ring in one hand and a credit-card without ceiling in the other, only that the goblin then turned to e.d.dunlop, saying "...no, second thoughts, guess this is not your sort of the thing neither, so ok then, would you care for some filtered coffee and homemade biscuits instead, I mean that would be more practical after all..." 
« Last Edit: February 06, 2014, 03:32:59 am by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #388 on: February 06, 2014, 03:41:58 am » |
repost from elsewhere, another welcome on a writer's forum I am a new writer. I was encouraged by xxxxx to write. I ironically do not even like to read so this is way out of my realm. But I will do the first book and see how that goes. If it does decently I will go on and write another book. I am here looking for any advice, opinions etc... Feel free to contact me with ideas. "...perfectly understandable..." replied the goblin noting how fewer and fewer people wanted to read at length anyway, where the goblin seemed no different from anyone else then, or at least no different from the majority of humans he came across in dailylife out there or upon forumland here, adding "...so if you yourself don't want to read where most people don't want to read neither, doesn't that kind of leave a threefold choice of giving up, or continuing bookwriting, or this livewriting then...", where the goblin's being a livewriter meant that he wrote upon a medium that everyone was increasingly reading, for his posts were short enough not to demand too much from the reader though with enough substance to merit his writing them, and becoming quite known anonymously in the process, concluding "...I mean if you want to spend months writing something that you'll then sell on amazon for 99cts, then surely flipping hamburgers would pay a better return for one's efforts, moreover, that ebooks world is saturated with ebooks already where today one can simply become known by one's persona upon forumland here, plus forumland is the growing readership between the two readerships isn't it...", whereupon the goblin smiled tapping hard upon the red welcoming carpet turning it green for a far as the eyes could see, completing his welcome then, for all he tried to do was simply to draw those readers towards his pen by way of his posted now, smiling "...nothing to it really, but so overlooked too..."  172
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast
« Reply #389 on: February 06, 2014, 03:43:26 am » |
repost from elsewhere, welcoming someone who wanted to meet writers "...I mean, there you go then, and a very wise choice indeed..." started the goblin in his welcome here, seeing that xxxxx's seeking the company of writertypes here was better than that of zombies because zombies were more mobile and had special requirements whereas writertypes, once they were firmly planted in front of their computer kind of stayed put and need very little aftercare, and then the goblin felt that he really had to confess something, saying "...well, you know how those zombies keep telling you what they like to eat, well I hate to admit this to you but it does rather look like there aren't any zombies on the forum for that reason, pity, but instead I'm sure we can offer you some filtered coffee and homemade cookies if you like, which I hope makes up for what we all evidently lack here..."  172 389 91194
« Last Edit: February 06, 2014, 03:44:21 am by fleamailman »
"...ah, signs of life..." said the goblin feeling that if that there was one thing the humans did well, it was "greed" but little did they know that they were dealing with a black-belt "last post" poster, "...post at your peril humans..." he softly warned them without him even reaching across to his coffee, he was fast