Hi, I have worked all my life up untill the year 2,000 B/C of this disease called Lupus......I was able to collect SSI but they never put me on disabilty..Why? I have no clue? Just reciently, I have been recieving letters in the mail saying I am INTILTED to SSDI one day I get a letter saying I will get back pay from the year 2,000 and then resume my regular SSDI and SSI...Then today I get a letter saying none of this will happen B/C they said they OVER PAYED ME FOR SSI? go figure..How does one live on the very little bit of income I get now...My mortgage is alot of money a month and I get less then that a month from SSI...I have no idea why they are not giving me back what belongs to me in the first place..After all I have worked since I as 14 years old..I am so upset today on top of it I am very sick....I have you name it, And I have it...Been in bed since Thursday night of last week except to hobble over here to write and read...I am having a really bad day

Ok I will write more later on Love Yeah all and may God bless you in his special way,Love Gail