Jr. Seeker of Support

Posts: 410
« on: July 13, 2006, 03:17:10 pm » |
Many here know that due to finding a new (painful!) back problem I had to quit being a self-employed housecleaner this spring. For the past several years, the work was getting harder and harder for me because of the lupus and fibro. For both of these, I have only informal dx's; I meet only three of the eleven criteria for lupus. We believe I do have fibro since I have many of the symptoms and my brother was dx'd with it last year at Mayo. They told us it meant a greater chance other family members could have it. It would explain why I often feel so sick while the doc is rejoicing that my lupus labs are great lol.
A Curves friend asked me why I'd not applied for Social Security disability. I had not considered doing this. I am 57 yrs. old and because of the back problems, not able to lift and do the heavy work cleaning takes.
My question is this: is there any downside to applying for and being granted SS disability? I would have to apply using the back problems for reason.
If I should be successful at earning some money with my writing later on, how would that affect the disability? thanks for reading this!
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2006, 04:33:12 pm » |
Many here know that due to finding a new (painful!) back problem I had to quit being a self-employed housecleaner this spring. For the past several years, the work was getting harder and harder for me because of the lupus and fibro. For both of these, I have only informal dx's; I meet only three of the eleven criteria for lupus. We believe I do have fibro since I have many of the symptoms and my brother was dx'd with it last year at Mayo. They told us it meant a greater chance other family members could have it. It would explain why I often feel so sick while the doc is rejoicing that my lupus labs are great lol.
A Curves friend asked me why I'd not applied for Social Security disability. I had not considered doing this. I am 57 yrs. old and because of the back problems, not able to lift and do the heavy work cleaning takes.
My question is this: is there any downside to applying for and being granted SS disability? I would have to apply using the back problems for reason.
If I should be successful at earning some money with my writing later on, how would that affect the disability? thanks for reading this!
((Karyl))) Good question! Last week I was denied Social Security due to my husbands income was too high to qualify for supplemental SS. I can appeal the decision to still fight to get the $89 a month diffrenece that is between what the state allows and the diffrence of what he gets, but is it worth it?
He said if my husband didn't have his Teamsters Retirement package going on as part of our income,, I would have no problem getting it. The man jokingly suggested we seperate/divorce and live in seperate homes and I would qualify with full benefits!
He returned my application and medical info I had sent and said on the phone "Because you never know in the future, but do qualify, but not as a married couple, your income is too high".
It felt good to hear this Govt. employee admit in his words, "the system is crappy and needs to be overhauled,, and unfortunatly, your'e one that is right there in that loophole that screws many who deserve to be on it"
 I look normal, as I have an "Invisible Illness". You can not catch it, you can not see it. It's called Lupus.My body is attacking itself on the inside. www.LupusMCTD.com Represents: 1) We are patients helping researchers build a future for the lives of others... 2) Where HOPE is a WORK In Progress 3) Pay It Forward~Giving Back To The Future Lupus/MCTD Patients
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2006, 02:50:58 am » |
Hi Friends Alot of you know that I have been denined 3 times so I am waiting for a hearing before a judge. I have a lawyer. The lawyer has advised me although dx's are important the main thing the judge will be looking for symptoms at why you can't work. I have a huge folder of stuff clear back to 1978. I am now send out letters from the lawyer to 15 doctors 3 hospitals. The more documation you have is what they need. That is what everyone has told me and my lawyer confirmed it. Here in Utah it is taking 18 months for the hearing. But you get back pay back to 5 months after you wasnt able to work anymore.I just wanted to let you know what I am going thru in Utah. My lawyer isnt one of the real classy ones that advertize but after 5 minutes of viewing my records and talking to me he said he would take it and would win it no matter what. I had one lawyer take 3 months to tell me he wouldnt take me on that was because it wasn't an easy case. well i better close. I sure will be glad when the case gets done. I have been out of work since Oct 2003 but that back pay will be well worth it. hugs sue
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2006, 08:11:00 am » |
Hi Friends Alot of you know that I have been denined 3 times so I am waiting for a hearing before a judge. I have a lawyer. The lawyer has advised me although dx's are important the main thing the judge will be looking for symptoms at why you can't work. I have a huge folder of stuff clear back to 1978. I am now send out letters from the lawyer to 15 doctors 3 hospitals. The more documation you have is what they need. That is what everyone has told me and my lawyer confirmed it. Here in Utah it is taking 18 months for the hearing. But you get back pay back to 5 months after you wasnt able to work anymore.I just wanted to let you know what I am going thru in Utah. My lawyer isnt one of the real classy ones that advertize but after 5 minutes of viewing my records and talking to me he said he would take it and would win it no matter what. I had one lawyer take 3 months to tell me he wouldnt take me on that was because it wasn't an easy case. well i better close. I sure will be glad when the case gets done. I have been out of work since Oct 2003 but that back pay will be well worth it. hugs sue
((((SUE)))) Sending positive thoughts your way you will win!!!!! Hugs, Kathy
 I look normal, as I have an "Invisible Illness". You can not catch it, you can not see it. It's called Lupus.My body is attacking itself on the inside. www.LupusMCTD.com Represents: 1) We are patients helping researchers build a future for the lives of others... 2) Where HOPE is a WORK In Progress 3) Pay It Forward~Giving Back To The Future Lupus/MCTD Patients
Jr. Seeker of Support

Posts: 410
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2006, 02:44:08 pm » |
Sue and Kathy, thank you for sharing your experiences with the disability. What a mess the system is in where folks who are indeed disabled still do not qualify or have to wait and fight for so long! And there's something terribly wrong with a system that rewards divorce with extra income.
One thing I wonder about too --- once disability is granted, is a person limited to what they might earn later on? I mean, would they take disabilty back if I began doing some sucessful free-lance writing?
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2006, 02:36:16 am » |
And there's something terribly wrong with a system that rewards divorce with extra income
I am not sure what you mean by this? They went with my pay for several years and that is how they came up with my amount each month. I am in the process of getting a divorce after I am granted the disabiity. I was told if I go back to work it would start all over. I would have to qualify all over again. And it will be tougher to qualify.
The same with Sarah's SSI if she was to work she would loose it and probably wont get it again.
Yes on good days I think I can work but then on the bad days I am so thankful I dont have to work.
Hope this helps. hugs sue
Jr. Seeker of Support

Posts: 410
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2006, 08:34:00 am » |
And there's something terribly wrong with a system that rewards divorce with extra income
I am not sure what you mean by this? They went with my pay for several years and that is how they came up with my amount each month. I am in the process of getting a divorce after I am granted the disabiity. I was told if I go back to work it would start all over. I would have to qualify all over again. And it will be tougher to qualify.
The same with Sarah's SSI if she was to work she would loose it and probably wont get it again.
Yes on good days I think I can work but then on the bad days I am so thankful I dont have to work.
Hope this helps. hugs sue
Sue dear, I am sorry I was not clear on what I said. When I mentioned rewarding divorce with more income I was referring back to what Kathy had said about her experience. They told her that her hubby had too much income for her to qualify for disability -- but if they divorced, she'd qualify. That was what I was commenting on. I am sorry I wasn't more specific. It was one of those 'duh' moments, I guess.
And thanks so much for clarifying for me about what would happen if I started earning again. That is very helpful info to have.
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2006, 10:18:01 pm » |
Don't worry Karyl. I sometimes just foggy and dont understand things. You know they always saying the squeeky whell gets the oil. That is why I am doing. the 3rd letter i got from ss was that i have mild knee play. yep i need total knee replacement but it is just mild. my lawyer just cracked up. He said they arent physical doctors they just make decisions. He said its a big difference he has no worrys. just keep after them karyl and kathy. they owe it to you. you worked for the credits. love you all sue
Jr. Seeker of Support

Posts: 410
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2006, 09:21:07 am » |
Lacy Ann dear, I am sure sorry that your sister has to fight so hard for benefits. This is likely a dumb quesiton dear, but what is a cinderalla license? I have not heard of that.
On the topic of health insurance, I hate that there is no good health care that is affordable for folks with no insurance! That is horrible. From what I am reading, we have a movement in our country to separate health coverage benefits from employment without making provision for coverage for all who want it. I think this will lead to many many more who will not have health insurance. Right now, with group policies, insurers must accept all who want to be in them. Without group policies, they will be able to deny coverage to the sick and price those with serious health problems out of the market! Sorry, that's a whole 'nother topic, isn't it?
« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2006, 05:30:49 pm » |
Karyl~ No question is too stupid... how else would we learn lol!
A "cinderella license" is a license that only allows the driver to operate a motor vehicle during certain hours. Hours that will allow for the optimal safe driving conditions- usually from sunrise to sundown or 6 am to 6 pm. My sister can barely see to walk during these hours, let alone DRIVE!
I will be replying to your health insurance topic in a bit... really need to get my thoughts in order on that one. My life has been a roller coaster on lots of things.
« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2006, 05:50:42 pm » |
 Recieved a letter from SSDI, because of my husband recieving his back pay from his Teamsters Disabilty Retirements program last month for approx. $6,000, he recieved a letter from SSI that because of that Retirement back pay, he won't be able to recieve his SSDI payments from June 2006- October 2006 .It went over the allowed dollar amount for a couple . Does this sound right being on SSDI? He was told by 2 diffrent SS workers when he applied he recieves his monthly Retirement payments and would be getting this lump sum back pay soon. And I guess being honest shows we screwed ourselves. Now I'm worried about what happens when one goes to sell their home, because we have approx. $200.000.00 equity in this house. My question is, would SS stop his monthly payments again till the $200,000.00 "income" is paid off to SS? We've waited 21 years to use this equity and it would make me so sick if the Govt. stopped his checks till that was paid back , so to speak. Anyone???? Kathy
« Last Edit: July 21, 2006, 10:10:47 am by Kathy »
 I look normal, as I have an "Invisible Illness". You can not catch it, you can not see it. It's called Lupus.My body is attacking itself on the inside. www.LupusMCTD.com Represents: 1) We are patients helping researchers build a future for the lives of others... 2) Where HOPE is a WORK In Progress 3) Pay It Forward~Giving Back To The Future Lupus/MCTD Patients
« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2006, 06:35:28 pm » |
 UPDATE! Dave just called their 24 hour information number (800) 772-1213. What these letters were to him and I were regarding was IF WE WERE ON SSI (not SSDI like we are) this is what would of happened. We recieved these noticed because of the interview I had recently and I provided them with the information of our back pay we recently recieved from Teamsters Retirement last month. Dave asked about the Real Estate issue, "what happens when we go to sell this house and all this equity we have.... does that count as an income to report?" SS man replied "NO, SSDI is what you paid in on taxes through the years your worked, that is yours and you can have as much money as you want too. But if you are on SSI, if we get wind of you getting $50 from your Grandma on your birthday and we find out, we'll deduct that in the next check". He prceeded to tell about the differences in the 2 incomes, SSDI is the "good one" it's lower dollar amount, but you paid in through all those years of work, it is yours. Now SSI is different, they are stricter. The monthly income goes higher, but you must report any income such as gifts, your bank balances, report sell of your properties, etc. SS man said no monthly deposit checks are interuptted as these letters we recieved were just "explaintion letters" of why I didn't qualify, and since we are married and Dave is on SSDI, he recieved the same letter. I think they need to rename one of these programs like DI for disabilty insurance and SI for Social Insurance. When one reads SSDI SSI, and your'e dyslexic as it is  ... it's confusing. I really see now what Senior Citizens go through when they recieve their darn notices, it's scary and confusing as crapola. KAthy
« Last Edit: July 21, 2006, 10:11:31 am by Kathy »
 I look normal, as I have an "Invisible Illness". You can not catch it, you can not see it. It's called Lupus.My body is attacking itself on the inside. www.LupusMCTD.com Represents: 1) We are patients helping researchers build a future for the lives of others... 2) Where HOPE is a WORK In Progress 3) Pay It Forward~Giving Back To The Future Lupus/MCTD Patients
Jr. Seeker of Support

Posts: 410
« Reply #14 on: July 21, 2006, 08:00:21 am » |
Kathy dear, I am so glad your news was good on this issue. You are right that it's no wonder folks get scared about what will happen when the SS sends out letters like that.
Your post made me realize I have very little info on the differences between SSDI and SSI. I know I've seen posts talking about both and never understood which is which. Are both through Social Security? Is one through somebody's employer? I know -- I am really duh! about this.
Is SSI what disabled folks get who never paid enough quarterly payments into the Social Security system? And SSDI is for those who have paid enough quarterly payments in whether or not they were self-employed?
« Last Edit: July 21, 2006, 10:12:01 am by Kathy »
« Reply #15 on: July 21, 2006, 09:51:06 am » |
Your post made me realize I have very little info on the differences between SSDI and SSI. I know I've seen posts talking about both and never understood which is which. Are both through Social Security? Is one through somebody's employer? I know -- I am really duh! about this.
Is SSI what disabled folks get who never paid enough quarterly payments into the Social Security system? And SSDI is for those who have paid enough quarterly payments in whether or not they were self-employed?
Karyl, Let me find some good layman's terms for the explanation for us and create a Social Security folder. I think we all need to learn more about it, from others who are on it or is facing it in the future. Hugs, Kathy
« Last Edit: July 21, 2006, 10:12:29 am by Kathy »
 I look normal, as I have an "Invisible Illness". You can not catch it, you can not see it. It's called Lupus.My body is attacking itself on the inside. www.LupusMCTD.com Represents: 1) We are patients helping researchers build a future for the lives of others... 2) Where HOPE is a WORK In Progress 3) Pay It Forward~Giving Back To The Future Lupus/MCTD Patients
Jr. Seeker of Support

Posts: 410
« Reply #16 on: July 21, 2006, 12:31:36 pm » |
Kathy says "Let me find some good layman's terms for the explanation for us and create a Social Security folder. I think we all need to learn more about it, from others who are on it or is facing it in the future."
Oh thank you dear, I would really like to become more informed on this issue so I can make better decisions re what to do!
« Reply #17 on: July 21, 2006, 01:38:23 pm » |
http://www.disabilitysecrets.com/page5-13.htmlKaryl, I have been reading and reading for simple terms we can all understand. Sadly, most of these sites are Attorney websites trying to gt you your business. But this one seemed short & simple. I did find a good one, but to get the info, you had to fill out your name, address, etc. No way Jose! There is also more available I liked, but they are in PDF format, something I have never tried yet to post on here, as I am not sure if it would work or not. Let's just keep this folder going and add to it as we all come across valuable & helpful information to all. Hope you are staying cool, Love Kathy
 I look normal, as I have an "Invisible Illness". You can not catch it, you can not see it. It's called Lupus.My body is attacking itself on the inside. www.LupusMCTD.com Represents: 1) We are patients helping researchers build a future for the lives of others... 2) Where HOPE is a WORK In Progress 3) Pay It Forward~Giving Back To The Future Lupus/MCTD Patients
« Reply #18 on: July 21, 2006, 02:22:21 pm » |
http://www.socialsecurity.gov/1-800-772-1213 24 hours a day talk to a REAL person  For the deaf or hard of hearing call their TTY number 1-800-325-0778  Available Online Services Are : http://www.socialsecurity.gov/onlineservices/
« Last Edit: July 21, 2006, 02:27:17 pm by Kathy »
 I look normal, as I have an "Invisible Illness". You can not catch it, you can not see it. It's called Lupus.My body is attacking itself on the inside. www.LupusMCTD.com Represents: 1) We are patients helping researchers build a future for the lives of others... 2) Where HOPE is a WORK In Progress 3) Pay It Forward~Giving Back To The Future Lupus/MCTD Patients
Jr. Seeker of Support

Posts: 410
« Reply #19 on: July 21, 2006, 07:45:26 pm » |
Wow you have been busy dear! I read the explanation of the differences in that one link and it made sense to me and did help me understand. I will check the others out too, as I can. Thank you!
« Reply #20 on: July 21, 2006, 09:38:11 pm » |
Wow you have been busy dear! I read the explanation of the differences in that one link and it made sense to me and did help me understand. I will check the others out too, as I can. Thank you!
Karyl, Your'e welcome. I added all these links into the link folder for future use.
 I look normal, as I have an "Invisible Illness". You can not catch it, you can not see it. It's called Lupus.My body is attacking itself on the inside. www.LupusMCTD.com Represents: 1) We are patients helping researchers build a future for the lives of others... 2) Where HOPE is a WORK In Progress 3) Pay It Forward~Giving Back To The Future Lupus/MCTD Patients
« Reply #21 on: July 22, 2006, 05:22:48 am » |
I just talked to my lawyer this past week. I haven't even been given to a judge yet so i have plenty of time to get all the doctors paper work....(all paperwork) from maine and boston. I have been told the more information of symptoms you have is what the judge will want. I have paperwork to send to the doctors be specific at what paperwork and it has a place to check all paper since I started seeing the doctor. And if they dont send it the attorney will send a letter. I only get 700.00 a month and I dont qualify for ssi. It doesnt make sense even when i wasnt getting section 8. I get section 8 then they take away food stamps. the government doesnt make sense at all. So like my lawyer said we are in a holding pattern. How I got my lawyer was finding one that didnt have a flashy ad and he was local here so I can go in and out of his office. All the others was in Salt Lake City. I wanted one that i could talk to who would have contact with me. He gave me his cell phone number and has promsed me he would help through the hearing if i dont understand what is being asked. When Sarah put in for SSi she had to put down even if she had life insurance or if she going to get inheirtance. If our income changes evern 25.00 we have to let everyone know. what a pain. Oh I think my doctor has got me a urologist. I probably will be having wonderful kidney surgery just as long as my kidney is ok, it is possible it has been the kidney for years. well love to all sue
Seeker of Support
Posts: 150
« Reply #22 on: July 25, 2006, 07:58:53 pm » |
Kathy.. I have been going the run around on this SSI. I won my closed period when I stopped working for 13 months. I received the first half. (SSI) But the DI crap is giving me the runaround from hell. They intially sent it to a bank account that was closed 4 years ago. Then they sent it to a address that I moved. The check has been sitting in their pretty office for well over a year and it's pissing me off royally. That big chunk is supposed to pay some of my bills so I can get on my feet a little bit better. They have told me time and time again that they don't commuicate between SSI and DI. They have promised me a certified letter saying of when they are sending the check. But here I am 2 months later no check. I am tempted to call a local news station to light a fire in their butts. I will try this 24 hour number but hope they get a clue this time... Andrea :tickedoff:
« Reply #23 on: July 25, 2006, 09:35:28 pm » |
 I look normal, as I have an "Invisible Illness". You can not catch it, you can not see it. It's called Lupus.My body is attacking itself on the inside. www.LupusMCTD.com Represents: 1) We are patients helping researchers build a future for the lives of others... 2) Where HOPE is a WORK In Progress 3) Pay It Forward~Giving Back To The Future Lupus/MCTD Patients
Seeker of Support
Posts: 150
« Reply #24 on: July 26, 2006, 01:22:25 pm » |
Ok Kathy.. The bs story they gave this time. They can't do anything on their end. The check is sitting at the payment center. Which it has been for the last year. All they can do is send a message. Argghh!!! :tickedoff: I have been to the office for 5 times. Now I have no clue what to do. I want to get my SSI lawyer involved again but it takes money that I don't have. This sucks. I am going to march into the local office again to get the lowdown. I want to fire off a letter to the damn payment office and tell them to cut the check and be on with it.. Andrea
« Reply #25 on: July 26, 2006, 02:44:12 pm » |
Ok Kathy.. The bs story they gave this time. They can't do anything on their end. The check is sitting at the payment center. Which it has been for the last year. All they can do is send a message. Argghh!!! :tickedoff: I have been to the office for 5 times. Now I have no clue what to do. I want to get my SSI lawyer involved again but it takes money that I don't have. This sucks. I am going to march into the local office again to get the lowdown. I want to fire off a letter to the water payment office and tell them to cut the check and be on with it.. Andrea
((ANDREA))) I'm sorry. Try this link to see what you can do online without talking to someone since they can't help you http://www.socialsecurity.gov/onlineservices/ They have an area where you can type in your SSN# and bring yourself up online for the status.
If that doesn't work, just go to their homepage www.socialsecurity.gov. There is SO MANY links on there, I'm not sure which way to direct you to next? Maybe some major offices, isn't there one in Maryland?
I'm reading a brochure right now, it states there are 4 levels of appeal depending on the issue being appealed., If you are not satisfied with the decision at one level you may appeal to the next. The levels are: *Reconsideration *Hearing by and administrative law Judge *Appeals Council review *Federal court. (yeah that one sounds tough, take it to that one !) I wished I had answers to help you or a way to get that check to you. It's not right, they can cancel that check and cut you a new one.  I maybe wrong, but are Govt. checks only good for so many days? Like 90? That would be worth checking into Andrea, then that way if the check is invalid, they can just cut you a new check without having to get another lawyer to go through this BS again.  ((ANDREA)) Keep us updated on this, as you never know someone reading may experience this and remember the info to help them out. ~Kathy
 I look normal, as I have an "Invisible Illness". You can not catch it, you can not see it. It's called Lupus.My body is attacking itself on the inside. www.LupusMCTD.com Represents: 1) We are patients helping researchers build a future for the lives of others... 2) Where HOPE is a WORK In Progress 3) Pay It Forward~Giving Back To The Future Lupus/MCTD Patients
Seeker of Support
Posts: 150
« Reply #26 on: July 27, 2006, 07:43:04 pm » |
Kathy.. This is a update..I went to the office today and they said I have to wait for their letter from the payment center of when they are going to send the check. I still have not recieved a letter. They did not give me any answers. This is so frustrating. I did say should I get my lawyer involved just to get something done? The lady told me that is not neccesary. I am so frustrated about this. Just to think my federal dollars at work here. I live in a state with no state income. That is my thinking the check is only good for 90 days. They must have to cut a new one. Maybe that's why it's taking really long time. I don't have that much time...I planned on going to Cali this month or next to see my grandmother. She has Alzehimer's and I was told it's starting to accerlate. I had not seen her in almost 7 years. This sucks.. And I only can go when it's slow which is the summer and early fall. After Oct forget it I will be busy with work. Ugh!!!! :tickedoff:
« Reply #27 on: July 27, 2006, 08:01:04 pm » |
Kathy.. This is a update..I went to the office today and they said I have to wait for their letter from the payment center of when they are going to send the check. I still have not received a letter. They did not give me any answers. This is so frustrating. I did say should I get my lawyer involved just to get something done? The lady told me that is not necessary. I am so frustrated about this. Just to think my federal dollars at work here. I live in a state with no state income. That is my thinking the check is only good for 90 days. They must have to cut a new one. Maybe that's why it's taking really long time. I don't have that much time...I planned on going to Cali this month or next to see my grandmother. She has Alzheimer's and I was told it's starting to accelerate. I had not seen her in almost 7 years. This sucks.. And I only can go when it's slow which is the summer and early fall. After Oct forget it I will be busy with work. Ugh!!!! :tickedoff:
Andrea, I bet if you hound them, weather it's a phone call or go on line for status, as long as you make your SSN# known in their computer systems, maybe they'll act on it sooner. I'm sorry to hear about your Grandma, that is just a horrible disease to have. Kathy
 I look normal, as I have an "Invisible Illness". You can not catch it, you can not see it. It's called Lupus.My body is attacking itself on the inside. www.LupusMCTD.com Represents: 1) We are patients helping researchers build a future for the lives of others... 2) Where HOPE is a WORK In Progress 3) Pay It Forward~Giving Back To The Future Lupus/MCTD Patients
Seeker of Support
Posts: 150
« Reply #28 on: July 29, 2006, 10:19:43 pm » |
I think I have overloaded their systems on the my ssn number. I log online almost every chance I get on the comp. I think I am lighting a fire in their butts. Thanks..It is a horrible diease. My uncle tells me my grandmother is a lot diffrent when I saw here last. She still thinks I am still living there and that I am 14. It's really sad. My mom told me that she showed a most recent photo of me and she said oh that's Andrea. How is she doing in school? My mother has to tell her again and again that I am living somewhere else and not in school. It sucks. A year ago my grandmother on my dad's side passed away and it was hard to see her go in way that I do not want to go... Ok..bettter go...I have been up for almost 16 hours. i had a 7am meeting on Sat morning and turn around and be at work at 2 to midnight. Not fun.... Ok zombie is getting off...lol!! Andrea 
Seeker of Support
Posts: 118
To dream the impossible dream......
« Reply #29 on: July 31, 2006, 03:50:42 pm » |
Hello my dear Kayrl;  :nod:As you may or may not remember I underwent a 4 week evaluation in the South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation Center. After going thru some classes, tests and being evaluated I qualified for further training. Our Center here is #1 in the nation. They try to help people who are on disability or not to find employment to make them feel alive. Many fo those here were much worse off then me. Several people who were on disablility counseled me and advised that I apply for it ASAP. They said once they were approved for disability it was back- payed to the first date they applied for it. I qualified for an educational program here at the Center. There are a few people in school with me who are on disability; however they WANT to work fi they can and earn a little bit of money. Good luck on your endeavors. I love to hear how you are doing and please take care. My thoughts and prayers are with you.  Hugs, mtigger, Chris
To all who come here may they find peace, acceptance and love ...maybe a little laughter too. I respect the person in you. Namaste. mtigger (Chris)